What evidence exists of the consumption of GM foods in Ireland and Saudi Arabia?

Content of literature review

1- History and development of GM foods

-A brief history on the origin and developments of GM foods

-How has globalization influenced the spread of GM foods?

-What are the controversies surrounding GM food in the world?

-What are the health effects associated with GM foods?

2 -Public perception of GM food

-Compare different writer’s perception.

-Positive and negative perception of people

-What are the issues in terms of negative and positive public perception.

-Ethical concerns around GM food.

3- GM foods in Ireland and Saudi Arabia

-What evidence exists of the consumption of GM foods in Ireland and Saudi Arabia?

– How does the prevalence rate of GM foods in the two countries compare?

– What factors influence the consumption of GM foods in these countries? (Is it food shortage, preference or consumer ignorance?)

4- Public awareness and perception of GM foods in Saudi Arabia and Ireland

-How does the public in both countries perceive GM foods? i.e. what benefits and costs do they associate the GM foods with.

-How does the level of awareness on GM foods by individuals between people in both countries compare?

-What awareness sensitization instrument on GM foods exists in the two countries?

-what is the effectiveness compared between the two countries?

-Are there legal instruments in both countries that monitor the consumption of GM foods? For instance, existence of legal provisions limiting the production and consumption of GM foods in one or the two the countries, or existence of incentives promoting increased production of GM foods in one or both countries.

5-What is the role of the media in GM awareness creation in both countries

-Do the media play a crucial role in propagating awareness of GM foods in the two countries?

-What other education tools exist in the two countries to enhance GM knowledge among the citizens of the two countries?

-How does the effectiveness of these education tools compare in the two countries?

Research question

Q1- How does the level of awareness of GM foods among the citizens of these countries compare? (Saudi Arabia and Ireland)?

Sub question

Q2- What is the consumer perception about genetically modified foods in both countries?

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