Reflective journal
Building Effective Patnerships with Famillies
1 What do we know about families today? what is the role of families in children development? How does the larger social , economic, and cultural context family functioning?
2 What are reciprocal relationships between teachers and families, and how are they best developed? What are the elements of family-centered pratice?
3 What are effective strategies for maintaining two-way communication with families?
4 How can teachers involve families in their children,s care and education?
5 How can teachers build parnerships with families to achieve their goals as well as parent,s goals for children?
Creating a caring Community of learners Guiding young children
1 How can the teaching Pyramid model help teachers create a caring community of learners?
2 How do teachers build positive relationships with young children?
3 How do teachers organize the learning environment and daily schedule to enable children to do their best and prevent behavior problems?
4 How do teachers effectively guide children,s behavior toward the goal of promoting positive social-emotional development in each child?
5 How do teachers use individualized interventions with children who exhibit persistent challenging behaviors?
6 How can teachers apply the teaching Pyramid model in specific situations such alleviating bullying?
Reflection Journal Rubric
Shows evidence of
understanding the reading
by asking thoughtful
questions (higher order
thinking). Refers to two
“My EducationalLab”
resources to craft ideas
evidence of
understanding the reading by
asking questions about facts.
Refers to one
“My EducationalLab”
resources to craft ideas.
understanding and does
not ask any question.
Does not refer to any
“My EducationalLab”
resources to craft ideas.
Reflects upon her/his own
professional judgment and
has the ability to articulate
it. Sophisticated references
to major theories and can
meaningfully explain,
compare, contrast or
critique early childhood
Outstanding reflection upon
her/his own professional
judgment and has the ability
to articulate it superficially.
List few references to major
theories and can
meaningfully explain,
compare, contrast or critique
early childhood programs
Weak reflection upon
her/his own professional
judgment. No ability to
articulate ideas. No
connection with theories.
Mention few references
to major theories.
Explain, compare,
contrast or critique early
childhood programs
Sophisticated ability to
summarize foundations of
early childhood programs
and theories and their
implications on how they
can impact practice. At
least 600 words (2 pages)
Outstanding summary of
foundations of early
childhood programs and
theories. Some connections
with implications on how they
impact practice. 300 words
or less.
Limited Summary
without highlighting
foundations of early
childhood programs and
theories. No analysis of
implications on how they
impact practice. Less
than 300 words.
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