Website or Print Media

Website or Print Media
An example of a Website is the This print media Website is owned by The New York Times, a major daily newspaper, which is published from New York City. Present on the Web since 1996, the audience that is intended by the Website are the over 30 million monthly viewers who visit Website to read news and who are comprised of three groups. Of this 30 million visitors most of them are casual readers who are— according to the company’s directions— allowed to access a maximum of 20 articles from the Web for free. The other audience intended are the subscribers, visitors who subscribe monthly to view more than 20 articles, subscribers of home delivery paper, and subscribers of the other publications of the company, International Herald Tribune. Also in this category are the e-readers such as Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook. Lastly, are the advertisers. Companies who wish to advertise their products and services with the New York Times’ Website by taking advantage of its huge traffic are another intended audience.
Unlike an unappealingly fixed website website layout design, the has a liquid layout— which adjusts itself to the resolution of its container. This preserves the time that a viewer would spend scrolling vertically. It also has clear headings with links, and titles that are numbered, bulleted, and arranged alphabetically. Infographics such as charts, tables, are strategically placed; and enable a viewer to easy understand the information, also, are insightful and gives a viewer the urge to know more.
The use of logos is seen by the company’s writing staff demonstrating their arguments through the use of logic such as in an article titled Racism and Soccer Are in Play at a Big Event in East Europe because racism in sports arenas is a known fact. Also, there are the use of numbers which are logical such as in age, years, and size. The use of the ethos in the print media is seen by the company’s through the use of facts, statistics, references, and quotations from scholars who are knowledgeable in the topics such as in an article titled For Some, Exercise May Increase Heart Risk, whereby two professors and four PhD holders are quoted extensively (NY Times, 2012). Lastly, is the use of pathos in the website as the article makes the viewers believe on the content and invoke their emotions such as in the aforementioned article whereby where the article describes the “widely publicized concerns expressed about racism, sex trafficking, overly aggressive police, the spending of more than $13 billion to host the event in a struggling economy and exorbitant hotel prices charged to visitors.”
These are the ways that I expect to use format design and visuals in later tasks. One is make my use appealing website layouts such as the liquid format instead of the fixed one (Charles, 2012); and apply the three forms of persuasion— logos, pathos, and ethos— so as to enhance credibility, prop up my claims, and invoke the intended audience’s emotions.

Larson, C.U. (2012). Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility. Stamford, Connecticut: Cengage Learning.
The New York Times Company. Homepage. (2012). Retrieved from

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