The term “intrusion”

Written Assignment
The term “intrusion” in psychological trauma is used to mean a condition whereby people are still traumatized and the traumas reoccur over and over again, as though it has freshly happened. People with intrusion are unable to go back to the way they used to render on their lives as the traumas are rehashed in the minds of the traumatized person by recalling the occasions both whilst walking and while on their sleeping state.
The role of intrusion in psychological trauma
Intrusion can be a great impact on the survivor of the psychological trauma because even small things can induce the memories which in many cases, are conjured in the mind with a precise of the original trauma event. In simple concise and precise terms, the trauma survivor may feel insecurity even when in secure places because there are possibilities of meeting things that will make him recall the trauma.
The trauma suppresses the trend of customary `development since the recurring intrusions inhibits the trauma survivor’s life. The article by Herman J. soberly pipes it on an issue of Freud, a combatant in the First World War who was, “ struggling to come to grips with massive evidence of combat neuroses after the war…the patient may be said to be fixated to trauma…Noting that traumatic nightmares can recur unmodified for years on end (Herman, 1997). ” In the Freud’s case above, it can impinge on our mind the great role of intrusion in the survivors of psychological trauma. Bearing the fact that the First World War happened many a league upon another league of decades ago, in 1914-1918, perhaps the fresh recurring of the event on a person and that hasn’t loosed the grip on him many years later can be reflected on every one of use the span of intrusion on the sufferers.
On the Herman’s article, there is yet another survivor of psychological trauma with intrusion. The painting of Doris Lessing’s father is depicted by the facial expressions of him in the portrait. Seeing that he paid the war with one of his legs, he saw himself as lucky since his co-combatants had to pay with their lives. If we can paraphrase about the told description of the combatant,” the young man’s memory was kept…but his war memories were congealed in the war stories that he retold over again, with the exact words, gestures, in stereotyped phrases. ” I can only re-echo the words of the author, that the war combatant had a “traumatic memory.”
Another intrusion on the survivors of psychological trauma can be echoed in the infamous Hiroshima bombing. As the author aptly puts it about Robert Jay Lifton who was conducting a research about the survivors of the holocaust that was the atomic bombing, only intrusion phrases and words could describe the intrusions of the survivors,” indelible image”, “death imprint” and “ultimate horror.”
Even the hardened front line fighters like Tim O’Brien, who was a combatant veteran after he was drafted into the Vietnam War, him too wasn’t spared: he drunk the dregs of intrusions and no matter how much better I may try to describe the effect of intrusion on this psychological survivor and a celebrated war veteran, nothing can do it better that it coming from the horse’s mouth. Without further elaboration to his expressions, his intrusion-laden words described in a traumatic way drives the logic home,” I remember the white bone (Carrington, 2011). I remember the pieces of skin and something wet and yellow that must have been the intestines. The gore was horrible, and stays with me. But wakes me up twenty years is…as we threw down the parts.” Chapter two. Even to a combatant whom is taught to be tough in the war, not many people can remember occasions that happened on a time that spans two decades.
Childhood, which is the most vulnerable stage of life, too doesn’t spare children. According to a study that was carried out by Lenore Terr, a psychiatrist, on two children, none of them could recollect the events that had occurred before they were two and a half old. But amazingly, the events were reflected on almost all of the children in their play: it was a traumatic memory. The author of the article gives an example of sexual abuse on children below two years. The child could neither recollect the event nor the name of the abuser, but in play, the child depicted a pornographic like movie starred by the babysitter.
Another role of the intrusions in the survivors of psychological trauma is that they may try to undo the traumatic event that happened to them with a motive of changing the deeply engraved encounter, albeit desperately, and end up putting greater risks of harm on their lives.
On many occasions, the survivors of psychological trauma reflect the mind engraved event on other aspects in a veiled form, albeit without the slightest clue that they are doing so. The author of the article, Herman, gives an example of a woman who survived incest but had had intrusions that she wasn’t aware of (Dreyer, 2005). The survivor of psychological trauma, incest, had been for two months playing games with the men drivers on the highway. A male driver had the urge to cut her off, but she pressed hard on her accelerator and obstructed the truck driver from cutting her off and lo! She was involved in a car accident. The driver that she was preventing from cutting her off rummaged on her automobile.
In my opinion, I opine that the role of intrusion in psychological trauma can greatly disrupt the day to day function of the survivor because to relieve themselves and erase in their minds the recurring events they will go to much extremes like in the above case where an incest survivor could have paid the auto accident with her life on the altar of revenge because of engaging men on chicken games on the highway. Another disruption of day to day life of a trauma survivor is that they narrow their consciousness in a bid to relieve themselves the trauma and for a phobia that the event may happen to them again in their later life, they withdraw their engagement from other people and as the author puts it, they render impoverished life. The author of the article, Herman, puts a disruption of trauma on the day to day activities of the psychological survivor that cannot be overlooked, “even when they are consciously chosen, they have a feeling of involuntariness.” That is a disruption on the survivors to be re-echoed since many chances can pass by without reacting to them, since many of them don’t relieve the traumas: they merely dread and fear it.

Carrington Karin, G. (2011). Transforming Terror: Remembering the Soul of the World. California: University of California Press.
Dreyer Elizabeth, M. (2005). Minding the Spirit: the Study of Christian spirituality. Baltimore: JHU Press.
Herman J. (1997). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence from Domestic Violence to Political Terror. New York: Basic Books.

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