The power to Disrupt

The power to Disrupt
Before we can be in a position to discuss the theme, “the power to disrupt”, it’s evident that the country is still grappling with the monopoly or is still suffering from its hangovers. The extract, “The Power to Disrupt” soberly pipes the perception that the consumers held: that they can only consume the products and goods from the West. It does this in how it coins the phrase that I paraphrase”…not just from the West, but also from the Rest.”The development of the entire world will not merely be limited to the selected few business moguls or masterminds. The potential of generating business ideas will be open to the global elite of which there will be a mighty leap in the business world. Even the former colonial masters will be astonished to see the impact of the business innovations of their former colonies and protectorates. The set prices will be compulsorily lowered if at all they will have to fight for a footing in the markets. If the commodity prices get too costly in the Western markets, the pocket-friendly markets in the East markets will force the consumers to shift their periphery of shopping to new products. There are four reasons that can be attributed to the breaking of this trend of the current monopoly in the markets. One of them is that the world has changed greatly as new market giants have boomed. The markets with products whose origin are from other countries out of West such as the Asian (among them India, Japanese and Korean).The second reason is the diverse market which has been on the market from the various companies from the “Rest”. The term rest is used to mean the other companies save for those that are found in the American. A good example is the rising ZTE, a company that manufactures mobile phones and which barely thirteen years ago it wasn’t known overseas. The other reason that can be attributed to the power to disrupt is the determination with which the new companies are hell-bent to look for fresh markets and in the haste; the prices are lowered a little in a bid to attract new consumers. In doing so, the consumers are exposed to new market offers and other options. Lastly and not the least, the Western countries have overlooked the trend of the new markets and have learnt to co-exist without business rivalry because it isn’t like the 80’s when the Western companies (most notably the Ford Motor Company) underrated the Japanese motor companies where they would be castigated and criticized as “those little shit-boxes.”Some innovative people have gone to the extent of starting service that offer competitions to the existing one and have not only increased the quality but also slashed the charges. An example is that of Dr.Shetty hatched the idea of dismal management whiles at another hospital (Guy’s Hospital) a place where he used to while away long hours doing nothing. He found out that The Americans were travelling to the countries that were developing for medical purposes as the charges in America were high. At long last, he built a hospital a short distance from Miami that was charging pocket-friendly charges that were half the ones that were charged at the American hospitals. The consumers are also opting for exotic cheaper farming inputs like in the example where little tractors are the norm and also used by the aspiring farmers and gardeners in the United States of America. Also the existing manufactures are affected by the consuming trend of the consumers. A good example of this power to disrupt is whereby a huge number of car manufacturers in the West are being compulsorily made to fill the taste that is making the consumers opt for import cars and it does that by manufacturing small vehicles whose tag prices are in the caliber of the Nano.To spare you the sob story, let me lay in layman’s terms the cynosure of this them: the current are (and will be greatly) affected by the introduction of fresh products by slashing the current price tags of the products and most notably, they are(and will continue) to be not small dents but major shunt on the Western companies. The missiles of the “power to disrupt “will be hurtled from the developing countries, mostly Eastern companies (those that are in the Asian: Japanese, Chinese, Indian, and South Korean among others. In my opinion, prior to the aftermath of the power to disrupt there will; be no marginalization of particular companies but in its stead there will be balance power with the equal opportunities and also there will be diverse products and services each with luring offers. Also, the power to disrupt will not be over in the soon coming future because some people while their nights scheming of new ways to contribute to the already disrupted monopolization in the market .A good example is that of the Indians,”…are not just colorful but steroidal…the sandcastles we build are not going to be simply washed out by the morning tide…the sandcastles are now being built on the solid foundations of business innovation…”( Page 14,The World turned upside down, April 2010)

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