The airline industry

Reflective overview
The airline industry is a competitive industry and with it comes the different pressures from the lobby groups such as the pressure to cut on emissions. While some airlines, for example U.S airlines, may deem it difficult, others like the U.K airlines may be enthusiastic in accomplishing. The latter airlines have an ethical and environmental conscious past.
The U.K’s airline doesn’t stand a chance in terms of growth in either home-based flights (Europe) or North American destinations. This comes in the wake of Indian and Chinese airlines controlling the airline industry and there is the probability that the U.K airlines will be edged out of the lucrative business. However, all is not lost since there are measures that they can practice so as to retain a piece of the pie. Some of the proposed ways are: increasing their flights coverage in both Middle Eastern and Asian destinations.
The U.K airlines have been hit hard by many setbacks more so global factors. However, some are regional while the others are global. These setbacks are: economy and global recessions, alarm of terrorism and the chances that new airlines will be introduced to the industry (Peter 2009). However, there is the other side of this: the airlines register remarkable performances after the recovery of global recessions. After recessions, the airline companies register double profits. Since the airline industry is predicted to be a bright one, Boeing glimpses the increased need for both pilots and aircraft in future.
The lucrative airline industry brings a lot of competition and with the many airlines in the U.K, the need to fight for the customers. Customers are enticed through low charges.
With the many setbacks in the airline industry such as security and global recession, the airlines have resorted to using gimmicks to attract customers and ways to maintain them from shifting to other airlines offering low charges. Some of the ways to maintain the customers are campaigns and public relations. The airlines incur losses when the planes are grounded or the passengers are not full to the maximum and so therefore the airline companies finds ways to find customers to fill up gimmicks applied by almost all the companies. With the current hard times the customers have become sensitive to discounts and are conscious of the air travel information.
Most of the airline services tend to stick to one airline supplier so as to reduce the extra costs that would have been used in training staff, maintaining the aircraft and changing the information. The use of aircradft6 for the traveling services may be limited by the customers to where other alternative means such as trains can be used.
There are minimal chances of the new introduction of new airlines in the industry but not nil whatsoever. The chances are made slim by the knowledge that the investment capital needed is so big and several years elapses before the money can be got back. The airlines have a reason to smile since worldwide governments hamper new airline entrants such as in the case whereby United Arab Emirates are barred from plying Canadian routes to avoid their dominance in the Canadian market.
Learning experience
The portfolio is put in clear and precise words and in layman’s terms. The presentation is a reflection of what the airlines. However, the portfolio has exaggerated through repetitions of already said points thus making tedious. Nevertheless, the author uses ample examples, and practical ones. Not only the author’s examples exist but also the ones that we have witnessed the impact of recession and price wars on.
Ford Motor Company case study
This case study starts with an overview of the Ford Motor Company and how it was started (Geraint 2007). The analysis states that the Ford Company was founded in 1903 by Henry Ford and that he introduced the first ever mobile trends and also introduced the profit sharing initiative. The Ford Motor Company has an extensive coverage to many global countries thereby making it the most profitable and most successful motor companies.
The company has tried many tactics of offering the best in the motor market such as forming acquisitions with other motor companies such as Mercury and Lincoln while selling some of its brands such as the sale of Land Rover to Tata Motor Company. The profitability of the Ford has been ensured by the company’s innovations such as the introduction of Ford Focus to the market.
The companies in the Motor industry make use of the technology that has been used by the Ford Motor company for maximum reap in the market and producing vehicles that meet the tastes of the customers (Fojt 2006). However, other motor companies such as Toyota and Nissan have decimated the Ford’s market share. This has in turn made the motor companies in the industry to resort to the advancement of the strategies which make the customers to enjoy not only products of high quality, but also those that meet their demands. The company has struggled in its quest to be the second company in the company industry, a feat that it has achieved through market strategies such as by developing new cars using new technology. This has a great advantage because motor customers view new vehicle models as having improved features.
The strategies taken by the country greatly determines the influence of motor vehicles in such countries and there are regulations imposed such as through taxes and duty. The global trend and issues, such as recession that happened in 2008, will determine the financial measures of the company according to the financial strain. The motor vehicle company must also produce vehicles that define the societal status of the consumers. The motor companies need to be updated if they are to stay afloat in the market.
The motor companies have to reduce their conflicts with their employees and instead have a good reputation. According to the case study, Ford has had many legal cases after not paying the retirees their due (Harvey 2007). Companies that are involved in legal cases tend to incur losses over the initial money that they could have paid if they could have avoided the legal cases because they pay their lawyers on top of the money to be settled. The motor companies also have to employ effective strategies so that they can realize the firm’s general dimension.

Harvey, Geraint. 2007. Management in the airline industry. Chicago: Springer.
Fojt, Martin, 2006, The airline industry. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
Geraint, H. ,2007, Management in the airline industry. Abingdon: Routledge.
Peter, B. ,2009, The Global Airline Industry. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons.
Institute of the Motor Industry, 2003, Motor industry management: journal of the Institute of the Motor Industry: Burke House Periodicals.
Business Management 2011.Is this the Toughest Job in America: Ford. Viewed on April 5, 2011 from HYPERLINK “”

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