Diffusion of phenomena is an intriguing and clearly geographic part of our complicated, changing world.
You’ll use the central geographic concept of diffusion, an aspect of broader theme of movement. Pick something that interests you. Of Course, think geographic. Describe “it”. Find out where”it” originated and where it went. In what ways, or along what pathways, did it diffuse ? Or is it still diffusing? What was the spatial pattern of the trait, did it stop? Why? Discuss what you don’t know about this diffusion that might help better describe it. Write about why the diffusion matters, too – why is it important to you?
Process: You might easily craft an essay that employs the structure of the Geographic Questions, or the Geographic Skills discussed early in the term and reviewed below. They provide an easy straightforward framework upon which you can build your work:
– Ask Geographic question:
+ Where is the conflict? What is life like there?
+ Why is it there and not somewhere else? What is it that is bringing these groups into conflict?
+ Is there a pattern? If so, what is it?
+ So what – why does it matter?
– Use Geographic skills:
+ Ask a question(s)
+ Acquire data/other information
+ Arrange, by mapping
+ Analyze, with the intent to perhaps…
+ Answer, the question (or ask another)
The Product: Write a report of 3 pages, plus map(s). Using a minimum of four sources for this essay –articles, atlases, books, internet sites. Online sources can be National Geographic and others. Please be sure the maps are relevant to illustrate diffusion. Cite sources properly – in the map and report – using “Wadsworth Handbook” documentation style.

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