I couldn’t figure out how to attach a word document to this, so I just copied and pasted the rubric in here. I still need to send you pictures of the Peter Elbow essay that we were given. I could email them to you. College Writing Assignment #2
50 points
Please reflect upon Peter Elbow’s understanding of writing as a magical endeavor. Is his understanding accurate or representative of the way language works? Does it in any way relate to your own understanding of the way writing works? In short, your reflection must deal with two essential points:
1. Your understanding of writing.
2. The relationship between your understanding and that of Peter Elbow and/or Orwell.
In a sense, this assignment requires you to compare two ideas about one concept, but more importantly, you must be able to define what writing is to you and what role it plays in your life, now, in the past, and in the future. Only after you define what writing is can you move on to compare differences. Due to this, you should spend the majority of your paper defining writing and spend a lesser portion on comparing your definition with that of Elbow and/Or Orwell. This essay should be written in a formal tone, meaning no contractions, personal pronouns, or casual language. Quotes should be incorporated in each body paragraph with page citations.
Please upload your essays to my storage space on the HF website. I find I can write more in Word than on paper and you can read it more easily. Please let me know if this is a problem for anyone. The excuse of “my computer isn’t working” is unacceptable.
You could tackle this assignment a number of ways, two that easily come to mind are: -discuss what writing is and the power it has, using Elbow and /or Orwell as your
-focus your essay as a critique on the argument the authors make, explaining what
aspects you think they accurately evaluate and any disagreements you hold, ultimately explaining what writing is and what power it has.
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