Hardy Motor Company,
P.O Box 77026 -6959.
Houston TX.
Centennial Electric Company,
28th April 28, 2011
To the Sales Vice President,
Centennial Electric Company,
P.O Box 38546 – 0928,
Connecticut, United States of America,
Dear Sir,
I humbly write to your office, hopefully submitting my dissatisfaction about your services .On a serious note after thinking and scanning the vista the Hardy Motor Company have come up with some considerations. You will bear with us for the inconvenience but you have to bear in mind that the Hardy Motor Company gave Centennial Electric Company the tender favorably. The Hardy Motor Company did not put into considerations the welfare of the other companies who offers services similar to that offered by Centennial Electric Company. To put it in stark terms, we gave you the tender, the bid, discriminatively.
We appreciate your tireless investment in development, tools, dies and fixtures.However, during the signing of the contract we discovered that the Centennial Electric Company had a rigid policy of billing separately for the development services only on government’s contracts .Receive our heartfelt thanks for developing the shaver motor free of charge. The products of Centennial Electric Company passed the rigorous quality control checks by our engineers without much strain. For this remarkable fete, we rewarded Centennial Electric Company by ordering 100,000 motor shave units. The cynosure is that the written down price of the motor shavers, it was a little costly in comparison to the average cost of a motor shaver that is of similar horsepower ranking. However, we turned a blind eye to that as we felt that the extra cost was to compensate the money that Centennial Electric Company invested when it was offering no charges on the modification of the motor shavers.Again, Hardy Motor Company felt that the extra cost would occur as a result of the ten hand-made motors that Centennial Electric Company offered at free of charge. Prior to that order of 100,000 motor shaving units, the Hardy Motor Company felt that you would recovered the cost that was met during the initial developments and the ten free offer of the motor shavers. Yet again, Hardy Motor Company decided to honor your dedicated efforts to us by awarding you with a tender of even more motor shavers than the first bunch .The second order being 150,000.
The managing panel and the directors of Hardy Electric Company have come into a huddle and decided that no future tender bids will be awarded to Centennial Electric Company discriminately as it had been the trend. According to the panel of directors, it was decided that there was a protocol that Hardy Motor Company had adhere to: competitive bids. The source of all this inconvenience arose as result of the third year’s production contract was being considered .Wind got to the other companies that offer services similar to that offered by Centennial Electric Company. As expected, the sales representatives of the other four companies voiced their rights to be allowed to vie fir the bid on the motor shavers. The pin that burst the balloon came after one sale representatives confided to Hardy Motor Company that his company could deliver cutting edge motors for the shavers and at a cost far lower than that of Centennial Electric Company.(Francis,1948)
Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Francis, Kellor. American Abitration. Beard Books, 1948.
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