I. Introduction (Example – Freedom)
a. Hook/Bridge
i. For thousands of years, people have lived and died for the sole purpose of expressing a word.
ii. Freedom, which some believe is unlimited choice, motivates humans around the world to change their status quo, even if it costs them their lives. However, freedom cannot be simply defined.
b. Thesis
i. Multiple, complex definitions are found when one examines the word freedom.
II. Body 1 (Example – Freedom)
a. Topic Statement
i. One possible interpretation of freedom is found because the idea of freedom is fluid and changes over time.
b. Point
i. Hundreds of years ago, in order to be free, people believed they could achieve freedom if they reached a point in their lives where they were master-less.
c. Prove/Explain
i. Regions of the world, such as countries or villages, were ruled by monarchs and aristocrats. Those ruled lived at the whims of their masters, so people felt a life without a master was an achievement of freedom.
d. Point
i. Today, though, people commonly live in a democratic society, where one is not ruled but instead chooses their representative.
e. Prove/Explain
i. Therefore, the definition of freedom has changed, and those seeking to be more freed try to reach a new stage.
III. Body 2 (Example – Guilt)
a. Topic Statement
i. Another area of exploration one could take when examining the word “guilt” surfaces from the legal realm.
b. Point
i. In a court case, an individual’s guilt is determined by a jury of the person’s peers in a criminal trial.
c. Prove/Explain
i. After all facts have been orally and visually delivered to the judge or peers, the evidence is weighed and a conclusion is reached: guilty or not guilty. Depending on the severity of the crime, this declaration can free or damn a person.
d. Point
i. A different type of trial also uses levels of guilt: a civil trial.
e. Prove/Explain
i. During a case, evidence is weighed against the accused – a corporation, company, or individual – and those judging the evidence determine if fault applies. If the defendant is guilty, a fiscal punishment follows.
IV. Body 3 (Example – Sacrifice)
a. Point
i. A third type of sacrifice, human, is apparent when one examines the ancient religions of the world.
b. Prove/Explain
i. Extinct civilizations, such as the Mayans, who many recall thought the world would end in 2012, utilized the ritual of sacrifice to keep crops growing and disease absent. Upon altars and pyramids, their version of a priest would disembowel or dismember a human and offer the blood of the slain to the gods.
V. Conclusion (Example – Freedom)
a. Restate Thesis
i. Freedom’s denotative meaning fails to reflect its numerous complex meanings.
b. Summarize
i. Different cultures, time periods, historical events, race, and other humanistic elements determine which meaning is prevalent at a specific moment.
c. Closer
i. In order to fully understand the word, a person should expand their thinking; otherwise, the communicating between different peoples is weak and limited if the words used are unable to m

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