Organizational Learning

Organizational Learning
Evidence to support view that learning contributes positively
Organizational learning takes the advancement of the organization to the next level since they introduce new inventiveness be it technology, production or commerce. With this, necessitates a step further that makes the organization from not only adding information into their databases but also how that information can go into the organization and brings about a change on the performance of the business. As the journal aptly puts it, learning is linked to the places where it is done (Nick Bontis , 2002 ).
During learning, the learners get in various ways to advance their perceptive such as social acquaintances to the people. Since the business rivals try to outdo each other, learning becomes the way through which the products and services can be improved so as to either be a step ahead of those of the competitors or match up theirs. “Ability to learn faster than competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage”(page 230). In precise terms, organizational learning becomes the defense to maintain a grip on the market during market wars.
The other advantage of organizational learning is that it assists people know and understand the reasons that make them view problems from” one-dimensional framework” and bring about questions of the present systems and simultaneously confront inconsistencies when they arise.
Another importance of organizational learning is that its crucial to counter-measure the upsurge in market and technology revolution, the outburst of accessible market information and also coming up with better customer care services and the improvement of products that are hard to be replicated.
Organization learning puts it in a better position to know and implement habitual changes that could lead to advanced performance of it by understanding and learning about clients, the business rivals and also regulators and so the organization can have a premonition and act as per the events and the trends that occur in the market. Through organizational learning, the organization gets to quench the needs of the company by the provisions of new products, services and fresh ways of conducting business.
Organizational learning increases the performance of the organization by: dealing with sudden and unseen adjustments where the present responses that are programmed are insufficient, the learning provides the organization with a platform to deal with vigorously transforming situations and to give an environment whereby the staff of the organization can see using innovativeness according to the requirements of the clients against being hold back by the processes of the business initiates for varying circumstances.
The article is successful in demonstrating the connection between organizational learning and business performance. The author puts it that all industries are bound to have those changes which may be voluntarily or involuntarily (Andy Neely, 2002).The main objective of an organization is to advance of provision of cutting edge services and products which in turn spell profits for it. Therefore, to maintain that hold, the company needs to keep up with changes in the arena and as the author of the article puts it,” whether driven by customers, competitors or the technological suppliers. I agree with the author’s view since even to a person who’s not business-minded, for example, a company that used to give customer care provisions using snail mail, could no longer have a foothold on the business if the business rivals had customer care provisions using quick services such as e-mail or landlines.
Perez Susana, Manuel Jose, 2005, Organizational learning as a determining factor in business performance, Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Andy Neely, 2002, Business performance measurement: theory and practice, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nick Bontis, 2002, World Congress on Intellectual Capital Readings,Woburn: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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