On-line learning obstacles
Technology has been crucial in accessing education in a world that is on a technological gale. On-line education has become an important factor on how one gains access to an education. However, despite its importance, it is not short of obstacles. The following are some of the on-line learning obstacles.
One of them is unaccredited on-line degrees. On-line education is harbored by both genuine and fake on-line tutors in equal measure. At times, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two and one may end up with sub-standard or irrelevant degrees. However legitimate universities such as University of Massachusetts, Boston University, Florida State University also offer on-line degrees. I plan to overcome this obstacle by double-checking the accreditation and reputation of the on-line degree program before I sign up. I plan to go for “brick and mortar” universities that give on-line degrees since they have a good reputation (Peterson’s, 2010). Another way I plan to overcome that obstacle is by searching reviews made by students on the institution.
The second obstacle is limited social interaction with fellow learners and tutors. I plan to overcome this obstacle by engaging my fellow learners and tutors using on-line discussions, on-line social networks, direct-mailing and group-chats. The third obstacle is on-line degree courses whose start/end dates overlap. I plan to overcome this obstacles by planning properly my learning before sign up so as to avoid overlapping courses.
The forth obstacle is cost. Institutions with repute tend to be very costly and I may end up signing up before understanding that. I plan to overcome that obstacle by thoroughly researching on the institutions and know whether I can qualify and be assisted with financial aid.
The last obstacle is the lack of structure. While the on-line courses comes with flexibility, I find it difficult to work in conditions that are less-structured, therefore, I may lax in my commitment. I plan to overcome this obstacle by ascertain that I have self-discipline and enforce my own commitment in attending the on-line degree courses.
Peterson’s. (2010). How to Master Online Learning. Lawrenceville, NJ: Peterson’s.
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