Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health
Nutrition is associated with various health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cancer. Cardiovascular disease describes the disease affecting the heart or the blood vessels as a result of thrombosis or fatty deposits on blood vessels. Nutrition is connected to cardiovascular in that enables the development of lesions that block the blood arteries. It has an effect on the level of cholesterol, and blood glucose level (Christopher, Bruce & Kathy, 2008). Hypertension is abnormal high blood pressure. It is caused by foods with high salt content, such as canned foods; foods with high-fat content such as French fries and chips; high daily consumption of caffeine; and consuming foods that high sugar content and extra calories such as soda and cookies. While in itself can cannot cause cancer, it can influence the formation of various cancers— like stomach cancer— such as by consuming diet with high-fat content and low in fruits, fiber, and vegetables.
Diet can either positively or negatively affect the health condition. Some foods, more so if have high fat and energy content,such as fast foods, lead to obesity and increase the possibilities of— for example— getting some cancers. However, some types of diet, such as fresh fruits, wholegrain foods and vegetables, are crucial in preventing cancer. Healthy eating and vitamins and minerals are important in supporting physical endurance and athleticism. Healthy eating, and vitamins and minerals intake support the daily activities. For athletes, they have to perform vigorous physical activities and sometimes for long periods. In athletes and in other requirements of physical endurance, vitamins such as riboflavin, potassium, calcium, and iron provide body energy, support the functioning of various tissues— like enabling the heart to perform in an optimal way,— maintain the density of the bones, and the oxygenation of the body tissues due to increased oxygen demand to the body cells. The benefits of regular long term physical benefits are a feeling of being energized, alert and fit physically; alleviating various diet-related diseases such as high cholesterol, osteoporosis, arthritis, and high blood pressure; it alleviates stress and maintain the body weight.
Hopper, C. A., Fisher, B. & Munoz, K. D. (2008). Physical Activity and Nutrition for Health. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

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