Marketing Communications

In developing campaigns, industrial marketing practitioners are faced by many challenges. This literature review helps identify and analyze the effectiveness of marketing tools, the processes and techniques, an appreciation of integrated marketing communications, the use of media in meeting marketing communication objectives, and ultimately, a provision of marketing communication problems or opportunities in industrial marketing practitioners.
The following is an identification and analyses of marketing communication tools. One of them is advertising. This increases the level of awareness. It is effective in that it promotes a service and a brand. An example may be an ad that is promoting an enterprise input that tops the list. The effectiveness of advertising as a marketing tool may be reduced because organizations are reluctant in funding the advertising plan or soon after an advertising plan has been launched, it is stopped because there are no positive results seen (Kitchen & de Pelsmacker 2004). An ad has to run for a number of times so as to make it the advertisement effective, unfortunately, a number of organizations give up mid the advertisement program and venture into something else. A solution to marketing communication program is sufficient funding of the run of the ads for the whole program.
The second marketing tool is the use of e-mail campaigns and direct mailing. These use of mails are effective in that they make leads by offering specific offers such direct mailing informing the recipient of the importance of extra revenues and that an implementation of a marketing program will offer extra revenues. Email campaign is also useful in that it can be used to promote other main communication messages (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel 2010). As in B2B market, the mailings don’t substitute the sales force, though, they give links to or clients that may purchase. The following shows the major blunders that many organizations make; one, the offers are not luring and the second mistake is that the offers doesn’t conform with the audience that is targeted. A solution is to tackle these oft repeated mistakes and coming up with a call to action so as to avoid the possibility of losing a potential client.
The third marketing tool is the use of newsletters. This newsletters and catalogs are important in that they either inform potential clients of novel products in the market or update them on an upcoming event. Thus, this form of marketing tool is vital in that it attracts attention.
The forth marketing tool is the social media. This is one of the most quickly growing communication channels. The major importance of the social media is enlightening potential customers about the company’s products, services and the branding. This marketing tool is vital in that it serves as tool of helping the clients testing researching the organization’s service or brand even before the organization has gotten into the sights of the customers. Some of the frequent blunders done include not participating in any way in these practices, being protective of the comments in the social media or not seeing the importance of that data in connection to the organization’s future services and brands. A marketing solution is to participate or check on those activities, reply to the comments of the viewer more so if they are negative.
Another form of marketing tool is seminars and trade shows. The main purpose of these is to offer leads to brands and services. In some contexts, there are also used in introducing potential clients to the organization’s products and services. Major blunders done include not coming up with a message that is great in attracting audience and untimely making of leads to the trade shows or seminars.
Integrated marketing communications, the concept of using of ways of marketing communication together instead of letting them run separately; using the Integrated Marketing Communications yields much results than the use of them in separate ways. The Integrated Marketing Communications is important in that one, it builds a competitive advantage, increases the volume of sales and the proceeds, at the same time, cost effective and saves time.
Integrated Marketing Communications communicates with the clients, and coordinates with the clients in all levels of buying. Therefore, it builds a mutual relationship with the clients, cushions them from the effects of competition and enhances a bondage between the organization and the customers that may last long thus, making loyalty customers. Integrated Marketing Communications boosts the profits as it increases efficacy. Researchers opine that the sharing of images that are put in the ads, mail campaigns and direct mailing increases both the level of awareness of the advertisement and responses of the mailings. Therefore, Integrated Marketing Communications can increase the level of sales through its messaging in the various communication platforms as builds many channels through which it gives clients awareness, convincingly exposes the services and brands to them and ultimately, to drive them to buy.
Unlike integrated marketing communication, communications that is not integrated lessens the effectiveness of the message which may make negatively impact on the customers such as confusing them since they are disorderly. Conversely, integrated marketing communication messages bring a feeling of orderliness (Percy 2008).. Integrated Marketing Communication is also vital in that it is cost-effective in the money spent on the photographing and production of those images as they be used in different contexts such as for advertisements and in exhibition galleries. Also, even if there are multiple agencies used for the communications, valuable time is used as such conferences require the agencies gathering together. Thereby, time is saved as the level of work performed is reduced and the level of stress alleviated.
In applying communication theory, they state how the clients get and process the information. Simple forms of communication portray a sender passing a message to a recipient who after getting it knows its meaning. By knowing the requirements of the customers, it is vital in ascertaining that a message is not only accurate, but also relevant. Most of the messages are encoded by the sender and requires the recipient to decode. Done expertly, an encoded message will pass the “noisy’ advertisement medium (Shimp 2008). The successfulness of such messages is measured by the ability of the receiver in getting an awareness of the message amid the “noisiness” of the advertisement medium, decode it and correctly known its meaning. The sender, searches for the receiver’s response things such as coupons that are received back from mailshots to research whether the audience has accurately decode the message.

Kitchen, P.J. & de Pelsmacker, P. (2004), Integrated marketing communications: a primer.NY :Routledge.
Kitchen, P.J. & de Pelsmacker, P. (2006). A reader in marketing communication. : Taylor & Francis.
Lamb, C.V. , Hair, J.F. & McDaniel, C. (2010). MKTG4 2010. Connecticut: Cengage Learning.
Percy, L. (2008). Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science.
Shimp, T.A. (2008). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Connecticut: Cengage Learning.

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