The ten ways to cut cost include; crack down on fraud and abuse, develop a healthy workforce, coordinate care through family doctors, make health a community effort, stop infections in hospitals, get patients to take their medicine, discuss options near the end of life, use insurance to manage chronic disease, let well informed patients decide, and apologize to the patient (Arnst, 2009). 6 points of the RWJF Blueprint for Change include cover the uninsured, improve the quality, value and equality of health care, bring down spending, prevent disease and promote healthier lifestyles, strengthen public health’s capacity to protect our health and address the social determinants of health (Lavizzo, 2009).
The first point is to cover the uninsured which relates in the ten ways of cutting cost in that the money which could have been used in unnecessary medical care is used to care for the uninsured patients (Lavizzo, 2009). Money which could have been used in medical scams is saved. This can be done by cracking down on fraud and abuse (Arnst, 2009). The other way in which it relates is developing a healthy work force where wellness programs have been found to save money. Money is also saved to cover uninsured patients is there is coordination of care through family doctors since they will be able to consult one another and reduce costs which occur due to complications arising from lack of coordination. When families are careless and practice unhealthy healthy habits a lot of money will be use in their treatment (Arnst, 2009). However, making healthy a community effort will make every one practice healthy habit, hence fall sick less often. Money saved from this will lead to cover uninsured patients. Money for covering uninsured patients can also come from money saved through stopping hospital infections. If patients take medicine, they will get well faster saving money for uninsured patients. A lot of money is wasted on tests done on who are near the end of their life. Discussing options near the end of life will help avoid unnecessary costs which are saved for uninsured.
The second point is improving the quality, value and equality of health care (Lavizzo, 2009). This point relates to the 10 ways of cutting cost in that quality is shown by crack down on fraud and abuse, develop a healthy workforce, coordinate care through family doctors, make health a community effort, stop infections in hospitals, get patients to take their medicine, discuss options near the end of life (Arnst, 2009). All these points are aimed at ensuring that cost is cut but at the same time quality is achieved. When care is coordinated through family doctors, quality care is given. This is the same to stopping hospital infection and the other ways mentioned. Value is related to the ten ways in that patients are value by letting well informed patients decide, and apologize to the patient. Patients are explained about a disease and given that chance to decide. There is also relation to equality by using insurance to manage chronic disease. Incase of an offence, the hospitals takes chance to apologize to the patient. This shows that there is no discrimination against the type of ailment one is suffering from.
The third point is to bring down spending (Lavizzo, 2009). All the ten ways are related to cutting cost and therefore this point is related to all ways of cutting cost which are crack down on fraud and abuse, develop a healthy workforce, coordinate care through family doctors, make health a community effort, stop infections in hospitals, get patients to take their medicine, discuss options near the end of life, use insurance to manage chronic disease, let well informed patients decide, and apologize to the patient (Arnst, 2009). It is how does it cost but how much can use to safe on cost and achieve optimum results.
The fourth point is to prevent disease and promote healthier lifestyles which are a way of cutting cost by itself (Lavizzo, 2009). It relates to coordinate care through family doctors, make health a community effort, stop infections in hospitals, use insurance to manage chronic disease and getting patients to take their medicine (Arnst, 2009). These are all ways in which diseases are prevented either from occurring or from proceeding further. Change of lifestyles is related to making health a community effort as this will change their lifestyles towards health living.
The fifth point is to strengthen public health’s capacity to protect our health in which public is given the right information to ensure that they maintain health (Lavizzo, 2009). It relates to the ten ways in that when we make health a community effort, the public will be strengthened to protect their health through health lifestyles (Arnst, 2009). Patients are also told to take their medicines which are used to restore their health. When the well informed are let to decide, it means that their capacity is strengthened and they are able to make the right decisions on the correct treatment which can be used to protect their health.
The sixth point is to address the social determinants of health (Lavizzo, 2009). There are so many social issues which have been found to affect health. One of these is poor socioeconomic status. This point relates to the ten ways to cut cost as they are trying to address the issue of affordability of health care in which cost is cut to ensure that every individual can afford (Arnst, 2009). There is also the issue of making health a community effort which will protect the health of the whole community. This is because if only some few peoples are healthy, they are still at risk of getting infected by the unhealthy individuals.
Arnst, C. (2009, November 12). 10 ways to cut health-care costs right now. BusinessWeek, Retrieved on May 17, 2011 from
Lavizzo-M, R. (2009). The Road to Reform. Retrieved on May 17, 2011from f
Wong, V. (2009). How hospitals can slash costs (slide show). BusinessWeek, Retrieved on May 17, 2011from sh_costs/index.htm
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