Managing strategy briefing

Managing strategy briefing
Part One: Essay questions
There are a number of key points that the writer is putting forward. One the writer argues that the global perspective on the international marketing approach that centered on standardization and adaptation is outdated; argues that using the products and brands to examine global standardization may misinform since it doesn’t consider the rest of the major marketing approach variables among them market mix; The writer also talks about the constraints that can be adopted so as to build and execute a standardized approach. They include restrictions imposed by both the government and the trade, variations in the commerce structure, the varying competitions in different countries and the scope of both the resource markets and the differences in resource availability and their costs.
The writer says that executing such a policy is not only dangerous, but also difficult since would depend solely on the external factors such as the market environment and from the company’s organization structure.
Some of the criticisms of this paper are the proposition of solutions such as “pattern standardization”. The paper approaches this by noting that a global subject is adopted but implementation is adjusted to suit the regional market. It also notes that if a standardized product may get into the markets of several countries, its position may get adapted to the markets and even though it may be similar among the countries, it may be modified or get adapted.
The most interesting aspect of this article is the global standardization aspect. I find this interesting because people blindly fall prey of poor qualities in the aim of sacrificing their preferences and tastes so that they can only pay lower prices: they want to get maximum and high quality from their money.
The part of the reading that I find difficult to understand is the “Requisite conditions for global standardization.” I find this difficult to understand because I don’t find a step-by-step with clear definitions approach of this aspect but rather filled with numerous examples and descriptions that veer off the explanation.
Part B
(i) The Myth of Globalization
Standardized approaches should be used effectively such as promoting and advertising and a standardized pricing and distributing method. Improvement of the infrastructure such as telecommunications (among them satellite and telex) have contributed dearly in not only adopting of standardization approaches but also the ability to run businesses at a global level. Nevertheless, the advancement of transport infrastructure and logistics has among them computerized inventory has made it easy transport goods over long distances both cost efficiently and quickly. The aspect of strategic management being discussed in the article is that for an effective marketing approach in a global scale, it isn’t overly realized after the marketing of the standardized products and brands at a global scale. Such an approach may prove work more effectively for one company than the other. Therefore, for success to be realized, it requires efficient examination of not only the factors that lead to globalization, but also the hindrances. Then these factors should be evaluated according to the strengths and the weaknesses of the company.
There have been several setbacks that are affiliated with the assumptions of the global standardization strategy (which are the needs and wants of the customers becoming overly homogeneous globally, world people have the will to forego various brand factors for high quality and when the global markets are supplied, they help ensure significant economies in both manufacturing and the production). These setbacks are homogenization of the global needs, widespread taste for cheapness but high quality and cutbacks of the range of manufacture and the marketing.
The writer refutes the claim that for an effective marketing at a global scale there is the requirement of both standardized products and brands. Nevertheless, the writer puts it that such strategies may work more effectively for some companies while they may not be as much productive on others. Instead, the writer claims that to ensure there is success in globalization, there is the need of courteous analysis of the factors that propel globalization and the setbacks that may hamper such a strategy. Then, emphasis should also be put on the company’s weaknesses and the strengths. Then, there should be the relation of the strengths and the weaknesses to its opportunities and how to get the maximum out of them.

(ii) International diversity perspective
The firms that are executing their trade on an international scale are faced with the struggles of trying to survive the synergies of intra-country business. At the same time they have to adapt themselves to the conditions on the new locations. Thus, firms have got to find a bright local resolution. As De Wit and Meyer, 2010 put it, it is mostly easy to find a costly local resolution. However, with a global perspective scale and inventiveness, a straightforward multinational standard can be found. Those who support the aspect which is the international diversity perspective, however, agree that because the cultural factors influence the resolution, they nevertheless, regardless of their rigidity, the culture norms and values can with time adapt themselves to the perspective.
In cases whereby the people who are implementing such an international diversity perspective may be fortunate to get a cultural product (either norm or value), that is compatible with their aspect international diversity perspective, proponents of that aspect argue that they would be unwise to deem it as a global scale compatibility of cultures.
There may be other variations that may be at a global scale but which are evenly pliant. Such differences include language whereby it isn’t the norm of a country discarding their national language for another one (Bob & Meyer 2010). Nevertheless, local regional languages have been regarded for their importance more so in Baltic nations. The main subject of the internationally operating companies is to recognize and adapt to the existence of the international diversity and not be disappointed about it. In any case, the international corporations should view such an international diversity as an opportunity and devise ways of utilizing it.
The international corporations should be conscious that because every nation has got distinctive characteristics, they will create different challenges and thus calling for diverse proficiencies. Varying national characteristics will bring about diverse types of inventions to counter the challenges. Where a company has the ability to make use of each nation’s prospects and control the obtained proficiencies and inventions to new nations, it could give the company a significant competitive lead.
The types of political structures have stayed constantly different. Examples can be cited of two world super powers namely, Russia and America whereby policy diversity has been endorsed by the relocation of power to regional administrations. Diversity can be maintained by the parting and joining of the regional inventiveness and a developing diversity since it brings about a dynamic equilibrium.

Bob, D. W & Meyer Ron (2010). Strategy: Process, Content, Context, An International Perspective. Connecticut: Cengage Learning EMEA.

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