THIS IS A THREE PART ASSIGNMENT – EACH PART 2 PAGES- If you need a few extra days – I am fine with that.
Stimulating Need
This assignment asks you to consider how Delta Airlines stimulates need.
Make sure you use the following section headings for each of the Question/Issues:
1. Describe the TYPES OF PROMOTION USED by Delta Airlines.
2. What changes (additions or subtractions) in promotion (need stimulation) would you RECOMMEND in order to increase sales?
3.In terms of stimulating need, how effective would be product placement in a non-traditional retailer?
4. Would you recommend that your company place your products in NON-TRADITIONAL PLACES? Why or why not? If so, where?
Assignment Expectations
In preparing this assignment ; you need to demonstrate your learning of the concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined in the modular learning objectives. In particular, are expected to:
•Explain how marketers stimulate needs
•Explain how your company uses promotion to stimulate need.
Note that this assignment does NOT require you to prepare a detailed essay.
Assignment should be 2 pages
Consumer buying behavior (2012). Marketing Tutorials. Available March 7, 2013 at
Creative Outsource (2011). How to stimulate your customer. The Marketing Site (June 26). Available March 7, 2013 at
Erasmus, Alet, Elizabeth Boshoff, and G.G. Rousseau (2001) Consumer decision-making models within the discipline of consumer science: a critical approach. Journal of family ecology and consumer sciences (29).
Available March 7, 2013 at
Listing alternatives, weighing alternatives, and selecting an alternative
In preparing THIS ASSIGNMENT, consider how the outcome of the buying decision process changed during the recent economic recession.
Make sure you use the following section headings for each of the Question/Issues:
-Why did sellers experienced a CHANGE IN SALES?
-Did the FACTORS prospective and potential buyers use in weighing what DELTA AIR LINES offers change?
-Did the WEIGHTS on the factors prospective and potential buyers use in weighing what DELTA AIRLINES offers changed?
– In terms of the DOWNTURN, why did certain types of business suffer more than others? How does DELTA AIRLINES fit into this picture?
-How do the MODELS of consumer buyer decision-making differ from the models of business buyer decision-making?
Assignment Expectations
In preparing THIS ASSIGNMENT; you need to demonstrate your learning of the concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined in the modular learning objectives. In particular, are expected to:
Explain how changes in the economic environment affect the criteria used to evaluate alternatives and the weights placed on those criteria.
Business buying behavior (2012). Marketing Tutorials. Available March 7, 2013 at
Consumer buying behavior (2012). Marketing Tutorials. Available March 7, 2013 at
Erasmus, Alet, Elizabeth Boshoff, and G.G. Rousseau (2001) Consumer decision-making models within the discipline of consumer science: a critical approach. Journal of family ecology and consumer sciences (29).
Available March 7, 2013 at
Handling Customer Frustration
In preparing THIS ASSIGNMENT, please respond to the following questions which direct you to consider customer frustration and how DELTA AIRLINES handles that frustration.
1.List and describe ways that potential or prospective buyers are FRUSTRATION with DELTA AIRLINES or its products or services.
2.How does DELTA AIRLINES try to AVOID pre-purchase buyer frustration?
3.How does PROMOTION deflect potential or prospective buyer frustration? In terms of your answer to this question, note the similarities and differences between how DELTA AIRLINES handles potential or prospective buyer frustration and how Jet Blue handled potential or prospective buyer frustration.
Assignment Expectations
In preparing THIS ASSIGNMENT; you need to demonstrate your learning of the concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined in the modular learning objectives. In particular, are expected to:
Explain how changes in the economic environment affect the criteria used to evaluate alternatives and the weights placed on those criteria.
The importance of a good return policy (n.d.). AllBusiness. Available November 30, 2012 at
Traut, Terence R. (n.d.) Handling Challenging Situations with a Customer-Focused Mindset. BusinessKnowHow.
Available March 7, 2013 at

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