Leaders and Leadership

Leaders and Leadership
Leaders are individuals, whose motivations and or influences give determination to a congregation of people to pursue a similar vision thus guiding the association for positive benefits. On the other hand, leadership is the actual part that the single entity plays. Leaders are single entities who are featured in associations (Richard,2007)
Leadership styles: it’s the mode and tackling of showing the way forward, applying schedules and giving psyche to the entities. The styles of leadership falls under three categories:
The one who gives authority (authoritarian): this form of style is applicable in situations at the junctures that the leaders, point out the assignments and say the criteria under which it’s to be done by the employees. In short words, they set the protocols under which the work is to be done. It’s not used always, rather, rarely. They form of style is employed when all the data to evaluate problems are available but you are kept on a tight rein by time.Also, it is used on new hands (fresh employees who have recently joined new fields).However, it should be confused with the leading by intimidation. An example of authoritative style of leadership is whereby the leader says, “You James and John should take carte of that mess…”
The participitative style: Hereby, the leader has got several workers who are engaged in the formulating choice. The role of influence is still retained by the leader. This style is used, not as a way of defeat or being unable to tackle problems, rather as a form of unity. When this from of style is applied, it instills a kind of bond that the workers will regard in high esteem and it renders them to work as a team.Here, the old adage soberly pipes this form of style, “Two heads are better than one.”An example of where the leader uses this form of leadership is whereby he says to the workers, “Start over there and me over here and we shall see…”
The delegative style (decisive): in this form of style, the workers huddle together and come up with choices.However, the final and the dominant word comes from the leader, At this juncture, if the workers are foxed by tough situations they rock their heads together and come up with assessments and draw conclusions. An example of this form of style is whereby one employee chips in,” you will tackle that while in the meantime I will…”
When a leader uses the authoritarian form to show a fresh worker, he or she enters in the league of perfect mentors. To the fresh recruit, he gets a psyche to know a new ablity.The new worker had his or her best to prove to the coach that indeed he acquired the skills.(Jeff,2007)
Applying a participative form of leadership, to a dedicated and motivated team of employees, the leader is quite aware of the dilemma but is not armed with the relevant information to tackle it. The workers are very witty on their tasks.
When a delegative form of leadership is applied, the leader is left withy no otherwise as the is who hold the post of leadership when it comes to the field of the job that he or she has qualified to do.
Nevertheless, all the three styles that can be yearned together and be used to solve a set-back. Let us assume the work is not running smoothly as per the trend. The leader uses the authoritative style of leadership to authorize another type. The leader goes ahead to enquire from the employees the various suggestions and methods that can be applied. The leader assigns the various assignments to the workers so that the work can run smoothly.(Kouzes,2008)
The various processes in decision making:
Fathom and identify the problem: suggestions are feedbacks to predicaments that need to be regarded. It is vital that there is apparent description of what has to be tackled.
Reflect on the composition of that predicament that is to be beaver away at. This is about the combination of the predicament. The major question is what is the big deal for the predicament to need your attention.
Evaluate and work out on the predicament: this involves determining if all the constituents of the predicament have been brought to book for the conclusions to be drawn.
A countdown of the various rulings: what are the various choices that can be used in solving the predicament?
Choose the most favourable: Among the lists of the solutions which can be applied for brilliant results.Here,you to weigh, check and counter check the best alternatives if promising results are to be realized.
Apply the most favourable: here, you invest the (John, 1996)best so as to get nice output.
Assess the response of your choice: follow up on your choice of the resolution and see whether there was negative feedback.
Kouzes, T. L. (2008).The Leadership Challenge.Kouzes. New York: John Wiley & sons.
Daft Richard, P. L. (2007). The Leadership Experience. New York: Dryden Press.
Jeff, L. (2007). The Character of Leadership. Tennessee: B & H Publishing Group.
John, A. (2007). Develop your Leadership Skills. Philadelphia: Kogan Page Publiushers.
John, K. (1996). Leading Change. New York: Harvard Business Press.
Marlene, C. (2000). Leadership Skills fro Managers. New York: Mc Graw Professional.
Peter, D. (2007). The effective executive. Burlington: Elsevier.

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