Kenneth and Mamie Clark, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jackie Robinson all worked to create social change in America for African-Americans.
Explain who each person was, and describe what method or methods they used to try to create social change. Be clear on what role the media of the times played (or did not play) in their actions. Did they succeed in their lifetimes to create the change they were working for? Have they succeeded today? Was there a method (or methods) that you feel were more effective than others? Why?<br>
Essays should be about two to three pages double-spaced, about 500-700 words
Explain who each person was, and describe what method or methods they used to try to create social change. Be clear on what role the media of the times played (or did not play) in their actions. Did they succeed in their lifetimes to create the change they were working for? Have they succeeded today? Was there a method (or methods) that you feel were more effective than others? Why?
Essays should be about two to three pages double-spaced, about 500-700 words

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