Hello! I am a 9th grade student and I need an essay for my final exam on Romeo and Juliet book. Here are 4 questions and you are supposed to choose only one topic (question). Please, provide an example of your own life (I mean it really should my own life as I am the writer:)) connecting it to the book, and it should be nothing extraordinary as I am only 15 years old. PLEASE, Remember to use 2-3 quotes from the book that will support your idea and analyze it (make a connection with a character from the play). I guess it can be an example of how I once really wanted to go to London but everyone was against this trip, and so, it finally cancelled due to the heavy snowfall. I think this example suits question #3 (How do concepts of fate and free will contribute to our understanding of the world )AND PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FOLLOW THIS RUBRIC! =) Here is the rubric that should be followed for this essay: Part 1 Essay:
Answer one of the 4 open-ended essential questions with a concrete example from your life and the play.
Essential Questions:
● How should impulses and reactions affect our decisions?
● How does love influence our decisions?
● How do the concepts of fate and free will contribute to our understanding of the world?
● For whom are we responsible?
You need to open and close the essay with a personal connecting point to the novel.
● The first paragraph will illustrate a point of connection. Your experiences will not be identical to the play; they need to be related in a way that you can clearly explain. Begin with your point of connection, then transition into a thesis statement that should highlight your answer to the question and connection with the character or situation that you connected with from the play.
● The body: An analysis of the character/situation, making connections back to your personal experience. Sets the scene and situation. You will include the play’s title, the author, as well as a 2-3 quoted passages embedded throughout the body paragraph(s).
● The conclusion: Here you will demonstrate why this connection matters. What do we learn from or what can we take from these similar situations? Please do not merely restate your introduction; your conclusion should be a thoughtful consideration of the relevance of both your narrative and Romeo and Juliet.
Make sure you:
● Underline your thesis. (Ensure you have one.)
● 2-3 quoted passages: Make sure you introduce examples with brief context, cite each quotation and explain the significance.
● Your paragraphs should have topic sentences and your points should relate directly back to your thesis.
● Your narration is vivid and focused.
● In your conclusion, make sure you try to push your analysis to the next level and answer the “so what?” question.

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