How can you apply the looking-glass self to one of the characters? Explain by using all three parts of this concept. How does this experience change the characters self-concept in the movie called Love?

This assignment helps us to connect the theories, concepts, and social patterns presented in the course. Select any movie (just not the one you may have used for the Movie Love discussion). I think selecting your favorite movie would be a great choice!

Once you select your movie, then follow the instructions below.

Answer at least 3 of the following sets of questions in your paper. You can choose to answer more sets of questions, if you fee like it might increase your grade on the paper.
1. What are the important symbols in this movie? What do these symbols represent? How? Why? A symbol can be a status/position like police officer who represents justice, or at times, corruption.
2. What values (chapter on culture) are evident in the movie? Explain how these particular values influence how the characters act, the choices they make, etc. Why?
3. How can you apply the looking-glass self to one of the characters? Explain by using all three parts of this concept. How does this experience change the characters self-concept?
4. If there are younger characters in this movie, what are the keys agents of socialization? How are these agents socializing the young character? How do you think the audience (YOU) is being socialized through this movie (which is a part of the media, an agent of socialization)?
5. If there are family units in the movie, discuss how the functions of a family are fulfilled in the movie (look in chapter on family for a list of family functions). If the family in the movie is dysfunctional, explain how this dysfunction can lead to social instability.
6. Does social class play an important role in this movie? Why or why not? Would the life chances of the characters be different if they were a part of the opposite social class?
Explain what would be different and why.
7. Can you apply Mertons Strain Theory? What characters are conformists and why?
Which ones are innovators and why? How are you a conformist? How are you an innovator?
8. What racial characters are featured in this film? How much of the characters action, behaviors, choices are the result of racial constructs? In other words, how does the race of the characters influence their behaviors, actions, experiences? Do you agree the racial portrayals in this movie? Why? Why not?
9. What role does gender play in the film? Is this movie biased against men or women? How? Why? Do you think that males and females are portrayed accurately or stereotypically in this film? Why?

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