Case study on Gender and Ecology
Environmental issues such as environmental change, ecological crisis, conflicts and management have been contributed to by women in third worlds. Environmental resources form the backbone of the society lives and thus can’t be downplayed. Thus, for their sustainability, it’s our responsibility.
In Kenya, more so in the semi-arid regions inhabited by pastoralists such as Turkana, the ecosystem has an impact on them: both women and men alike. These communities have adapted themselves to the effects of scarce natural resources, such as drought by being nomadic. Consequently, they encounter other communities such as Karamajong, Pokot and Merille and engage in conflicts whose full weight is on women as they are left to head their families after their husband’s deaths in such conflicts, which mainly involve cattle raids. Such women bear the weight of their families.
Unlike in developing nations, in developed nations such as Canada, it is everyone’s role to conserve the environment. Thus, ecological crisis should involve everyone regardless of gender, race, geography or race. In such countries, people are educated through social workers.
The perspective in Canada, for example, is that environmental change happens through the acknowledgement of interdependence between the community and the ecology. There is a mutual relationship between the community and ecology where each relies on the other for survival.
Contrary to Kenya where it’s a means of survival for future generations, Canada views ecology conservation as a way of pursuing social justice. Therefore, the strategies that are employed by the first world nations work more effectively and efficiently.
Ecological burden falls heavily on poor women from poor nations mainly they aren’t economically powered and they own neither land nor commercial businesses to cater for their families.
.Women’s contribution in poor countries isn’t considered important as that of men . Conversely, women in developed nations are associated with materiality, earthliness, body, sexuality and femininity and the significance that they have on the environment is called eco-feminism.
Research should be done to find ways of conserving the environment rather than relying on those that have been in use for years.
More women in third world countries should be more educated about environmental issues and sustainable development to secure decent livelihoods for future generations.
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