Explain why GMO food products should be labeled.

Purpose: To make a claim on the assigned controversial topic.
Introduction: Today in the United States, by the simple acts of feeding ourselves, we are unwittingly participating in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings. Each of us unknowingly consumes genetically engineered food on a daily basis. The risks and effects to our health and the environment are largely unknown. Yet more and more studies are being conducted around the world, which only provide even more reason for concern. We are the oblivious guinea pigs for wide-scale experimentation of modern biotechnology.
Big Question: Are Gentically Modified Foods (GMOs) Safe?
Your paper should:
1. Introduction a. Catchy title b. Attention getter c. Argumentative thesis statement i. Follow argumentative formula (Thesis Starter + Main Claim) ii. Ex: Although thought to be humane and necessary, animal testing for medical and cosmetic purposes does not live up to its promises. 2. Body Paragraphs a. Each body paragraph should have an in-text citation b. Direct Quotes (Quote Sandwich) c. Paragraph Structure: 8 sentences i. Topic sentence ii. Supporting details (Quote and phrase, include in-text citation) iii. Concluding sentence 3. Conclusion a. Echo thesis (restate it, still taking sides) b. Re-mention the main points you made c. Include a SO-WHAT, a sense of closure and why this matters. 4. MLA Documentation (2 Parts) a. In-Text Citations i. Did you cite your sources within the paper? b. Works Cited i. Did you cite your sources at the end of the paper? ii. List sources alphabetically iii. Hanging indent: indent 2nd and 3rd line 5. Types of Sources a. Incorporate examples and evidence from both the documentary and “professional” sources. b. Include at least 6 sources, including 1 documentary, 5 credible/good websites 6. Length a. 5 Full pages (6 Page=Works Cited) 7. Third Person Point of View a. No first person (“I”, “we”, “me”, “us”) b. No second person (“you”, “your”, “you’re”) 8. Standard English a. Formal Voice and Diction b. Correct use of spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 9. Document Design a. Formatting: 12 point font, Times New Roman, Double Space, 1” margins b. Header: Last name & page # c. Identification block: Your name, Instructor’s name, Course & Section, and Date d. Title: Center, Capitalize Important Words (Do NOT bold or underline)

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