Explain which of the landmark federal criminal justice cases below is the most significant for promoting social justice in our present day. You may use historical examples of “wrongs righted” to supplement your positions. Be sure to explain the basis of your position and why you find the opinion or case to be most significant. Reference the Landmark Supreme Court Cases website for summaries of each case.
a. Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
b. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
c. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
d. Terry v. Ohio (1968)
e. Texas v. Johnson (1989)
United States Courts. (2013). Landmark Supreme Court cases. Retrieved from https://www.uscourts.gov/EducationalResources/ConstitutionResources/LegalLandmarks/LandmarkSupremeCourtCases.aspx
250 words
Which theory of criminal justice from Criminal theory summaries, Theories of crime and delinquency (chapters 6-7), and Chronological theory on the web, do you believe best reflects how the U.S. criminal justice system functions? Point out the strengths and weakness of this theory and provide recommendations to improve the current system to “fit” the theory in its purest form.
Chapter 6 & 7:
Chronological theory on the web: https://www.umsl.edu/~keelr/200/Diane_Demelo/diane.pdf
Criminal theory summaries: https://www.cineparallevar.net/lashorasperdidas/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/theorysummaries.pdf
250 words

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