1(A)What role does the police/corrections subculture play in fueling law enforcement misconduct? Defend your position.
(B)Identify at least three things that criminal justice leaders can do to reduce the amount of ethical violations in their organization.
2(A) How would one apply problem-solving techniques when working with a group of people? How does your answer help create an ethical law enforcement environment?
(B)Do you feel that police officers should be able to accept gratuities like free meals and dry cleaning? Why might this be perceived as unethical?
3.Does community policing compete with or complement traditional policing? Is a community policing strategy designed to replace traditional policing efforts? Do any of these policing strategies help create organizational ethical behavior? Why or why not?
4.Write an ethical code of conduct for your current agency(Military-United States Marine Corps), job, etc. How will you present this code of conduct to your organization? What do you have to do to ensure buy-in and acceptance of your organizational ethical code? Just do not cut and paste your agency, military branch, etc. ethical code. How would you change the code to better your organization? Make sure that you provide a reference to support your new code of ethics.
—Question 1,2,3,4 should be a minimum of 500 words with 2 References for each question.

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