Explain the role of public health leaders in preventing infectious disease

The Assignment (15 pages):

Tittle: The role of Public Health Leaders in Preventing Infectious Disease

Section 1 — Abstract and Introduction (1 page)

Section 2 — Revised Literature Review and Problem Statement (5 pages):

• Literature Review to include:

o A synthesis of the literature of 15 peer reviewed, scholarly resources

o A description of theoretical gaps in the research

• Problem Statement to include:

o An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature

o An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive social change.

Section 3 — Personal Public Health Leadership Theory (2 pages):

• An articulation of your personal Public Health Leadership Theory

Section 4 — Revised Visual Representation of Your Public Health Leadership Theory (3pages):

Your visual representation should include:

• Your personal Public Health Leadership Theory to address the gaps identified in the literature

• A visual representation of the theory (e.g. table, graph, matrix)

• A explanation on how the theory addresses the literature gap identified in Week 5

• A description of how your theory incorporates aspects of systems thinking

Section 5 — Empirical Evaluation Plan for a Public Health Leadership Theory (3 pages):

You will assess if the newly developed leadership theory addresses the problem you have been working on. What methodological steps will you use? How will you collect data? Suggestion – start with how theories in our text are evaluated. It does not have to be detailed, but it must include the methods, measures and analytic techniques.

If the assignments are done correctly, there should be an alignment from the topic of choice to the evaluation:

• The topic is researched in the literature

• The literature review points out a theoretical gap that needs to be addressed by leadership

• The gap is turned into a problem statement

• A leadership theory to address the problem proposed

• The theory is depicted in a visual; and finally

• An evaluation plan describes how the newly developed theory resolves the problem identified in the literature

To further help, examples (Two final projects – permission given to post) are located in the Doc Sharing area for this week

Section 6 — Conclusion (1pages)

Plus References Page

Section 7 — References

• An APA-formatted reference list of 15 peer-reviewed, scholarly journals

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