The analysis section
Descriptive analysis should be carried out on the data collected using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS); the participants’ age should be presented using mean and standard deviation values, with the scores relating to type of relationship also being reported using frequencies and percentages. The TTBQ2-70 (two-track bereavement questionnaire; Rubin et al., 2011), generates an overall score, thus providing interval-level data and enabling parametric analysis. To assess the impact of loss, participants should be compared by gender using an independent-samples t-test. A Pearson correlation should be utilised to explore the relationship between the type of relationship and the impact of loss. An additional Pearson correlation should explore the association between age and impact of loss.
Results Explain in details
A.Impact of the loss in terms of anxiety and depression according to age:-
1. Results indicate that young adults 18-25 of ages engage in avoidance behavior (Moss et al, 2001).
2. Older adults (26- 60 of ages) feel strong guilt and regret that they didn’t do things differently and the feelings that accompany the loss of a parent are a reflection of the sense of letting go (Shaw, 2007). The result also indicates that older adults were more anxious rather than being depressed as a result of the loss of a parent.
B.Impact of the loss in terms of anxiety and depression according to gender:-
1. The gender differences the results indicated that female shows greater difficulties as reported by bereaved adult.
2. Male tend to suffer from functioning difficulties as they are anxious.
3. Both male and female indicated greater level of change as life seems very different since the loss. Also, the meaning of life and of the world around has changed greatly.
C.Psychological states of the bereaved adult after bereavement:-
1. Q-17, following the loss, 44.83% and 31.03% bereaved adults thinks of themselves differently and self- perception has changed greatly.
2. Q-67. 20.00% see images or pictures from the death scene several time a day while another 20.00% see images or pictures from the death scene almost every week.
3. Q- 68. 60.00% said true and 15.00% said mostly true of seeing images or pictures of the deceased parent in their head.
4. Q-71.While 40.00% of the participants is flooded by thoughts and feelings about the death.
5. Q-58. 75.00% participants indicates that the loss was traumatic
6. Q-64. 42.11% keep on experiencing the loss as a shocking and traumatic life event, while 40.00% said loss of this kind is usually experienced as a most difficult event.
7. Q-66. 31.58% believes that the circumstances that caused the loss they experienced are usually considered as extremely difficult.
D. functioning and Type of relationship:-
The two – track bereavement model examine the relationship between the functioning of the bereaved adults and the type of relationship to the deceased parent. The outcome indicates that post functioning is determined to what the extent relationship to the deceased.
(70.00% said true and 20.00% mostly true that they are very close to the deceased parent and during his/her life, the decease parent was a major source of emotional support.
The result indicates that Bereaved adults hold a strong significant of the deceased parent which cause physical and psychological changes as the deceased parent was a major source of emotional support).
Q-17. following the loss, 44.83% and 31.03% bereaved adults thinks of themeselve differently and the self-perception has changed greatly.
Q- 32. 38.46% of the participants responded that they notice things that remind them of the deceased parents. For example, people that look like him/her, voice, or a feeling he/she’s around.
Q- 33. 30.77% and 26.92% think of the deceased all the time.
Q- 40. Since the loss life without a parent is too hard to bear.
Q- 42. Participants also indicate greatly that they yearn strongly for the deceased parent and miss him/her deeply.
Q- 43. 33.33% participants said true and 33.33% participants said mostly true in indicating that since the loss, they feel pain whenever they recall the decease parent.

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