• Course Text: Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology
o Chapter 2, “The Rediscovery of Crime Victims” (review from Week 1)
• Article: Voigt, L. (2002). Sociological theories. In Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment.
To find this article, use the eBooks section of the Walden Library, and search in the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment in the Encyclopedias from SAGE database.
• Article: Ebbe, Obi N. I. (2002). Culture conflict and crime. In Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment.
To find this article, use the eBooks section of the Walden Library, and search in the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment in the Encyclopedias from SAGE database.
• Document: Victims’ Theory Matrix
Optional Resources
• Tuana, N. (2004). Approaches to feminism. In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
• Mork, B. (n.d.). Neutralization theory: Gresham Sykes and David Matza. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from
• System theory. (2004). Retrieved from clusters/Communication Processes/System_Theory.doc/index.html
Application: Impact of Theory on Social Policy
How does theory impact social policy? Theory seeks to explain the meaning of events and phenomena in the world. Once established, a theory can also be used to guide social policy. Outside of the field of victimology, for example, one present-day theory postulates that vaccines cause attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and, possibly, neurological disorders such as autism. The theories are in no way conclusive, but they impact social policy: Members of Congress fight for funding for vaccine studies, doctors and pediatricians structure practices to both recommend and accommodate patient vaccine regimes, and parents make decisions about whether or not to vaccinate their children. In this assignment, you explain the impact of theory on social policy as it relates to victims.
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review Chapter 2 of the course text, Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Focus on the contribution of victimology to the rediscovery process. Consider the impact that social movements and theoretical perspectives can have on policy.
• Review the assigned articles and the document, “Victims’ Theory Matrix,” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on the characteristics of the conflict and consensus theories.
• Select a theory of social behavior. You may select either the consensus or conflict theory or a theory that is listed below. Note: Select a different theory from the one you selected for the Discussion.
1. Feminist Theories
2. Social Darwinism
3. System Theory
4. Labeling Theory
5. Neutralization
• Research the theory you selected using the Walden Library or credible Internet resources.
The assignment (1–to 2 pages):
• Describe the theory you selected.
• Explain the impact of the theory on social policy as it relates to victims. Be specific and use examples to support your explanation.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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