Background/Literature Review of occupational health question (**see topic above) and identification of knowledge gaps. Motivate the need for further research on heat-related illnesses among outdoor workers in the United States, specifically construction workers, through a review of literature, background on similar relevant projects, and a discussion of the relevance to occupational health. Discuss current regulations (or lack there of) in the U.S. regarding occupational heat prevention policies for outdoor workers, specifically construction. Address how inadequate hydration contributes to heat-related illness. Highlight the risk of heat-related illness for these workers given environmental factors (i.e. rising temperatures, increase in extreme weather patterns such as heat waves), and personal risk factors such as age, sex, health conditions (hypertension, overweight/obesity), medication use, alcohol use, etc. Also address a company’s direct and indirect costs as a result of a single heat-related illness event on the job.
Additional Information:
*5 full pages, double-spaced, 1 inch margins
*Complete background section without additional sub-headers
*19 documents will be provided for use as sources/references
*Only the following websites may be accessed for information:
1) OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Association)
2) NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health)
3) CPWR (Center for Construction Research & Training)
*Absolutely no use of wikipedia or other non-reputable sources will be allowed
**Please cite all sources appropriately! Paper will be submitted to TurnItIn, so any and all plagiarism will be detected
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