Explain the case for open heart surgery at Cabarrus memorial hospital.

Case Study-3 Strategy Implementation
The Case for Open Heart Surgery at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital, Swayne Case-19, pages 803-816.
The intent of this case study is to analyze implementation strategy skills discussed in chapters 8 and 9, and build on your knowledge from previous chapters.
1. Introduce the case with a descriptive overview of Cabarrus Memorial Hospital.
2. Conduct a brief Situational Analysis that incorporates:
a) An Environmental Analysis
b) Service Area Competitor Analysis
c) Internal Environmental Analysis and Competitive Advantage

3. Conduct a Strategy Formation Plan that incorporates:
a) Identify the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of Cabarrus Memorial Hospital.
b) Summarize your findings as if you constructed a Strategic Thinking Map (Refer to Exhibit 6-4 on page 212 of the text).
c) Determine various Market Entry Strategies and list the advantages and disadvantage using Exhibit 6-10 on page 238-239 in the text as a guide.
d) Evaluate the chosen strategy
4. Construct a Value Chain Mapping similar to Exhibit 8-1 on page 310 that depicts Cabarrus Memorial Hospital’s strategy to enter into the open heart surgery arena.

5. Perform your own analysis of the feasibility of the Open Heart Program incorporating:
a) Demographics of the service area (pp 808-814)
b) Staffing Plan (page 815)
c) Estimated cost of the program (Exhibit 19/14 page 816). What does your analysis reveal? What are the strong and weak points of this strategy?

Once you have finished your analysis, answer the following questions:

A. Does the proposed program comply with the Cabarrus Memorial Hospital’s (CMH) mission?
B. Does CMH have sufficient infrastructure and financial resources/leverage necessary to add the program?
C. What is the competitive situation among other area hospitals that could impact the decision? Would they offer competition or cooperation to CMH?
D. Is the hospital’s proximity to Charlotte an advantage or disadvantage? What about its affiliation with Duke University Medical Center?
E. What is the break-even number of cases for the cardio-vascular program at CMH?
F. Is the current service area sufficient to sustain an open heart program?
G. If the threshold population required for initiation of the program proved adequate what were the financial obligations and obstacles to success?
H. Should CMH offer comprehensive cardiac care?
I. What strategic options would you recommend as CEO to the Board of Directors of Cabarrus Memorial Hospital?
J. Are there any other factors or concerns that could impact the board’s decision?

Writer Needs: Access to the following textbook: Ginter, Peter M., W. Jack Duncan and Linda E. Swayne. Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 7th edition. San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-118-46646-9.

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