Read the CUTCO Corporation Case Study on pages 391-403 in your textbook, and answer the questions below in essay
format. Your response should be a minimum of 500 words. You are required to use at least your textbook as source
material. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have
accompanying citations using APA format.
1. Explain what is direct selling?
2. How would one respectively characterize CUTCO Corporation and Vector Marketing Corporation?
3. How is CUTCO cutlery marketed? What marketing channels are being used?
4. Does Vector Marketing Corporation use a single marketing channel, dual distribution, or multi-channel
marketing? Explain.
5. What are the possible sources of channel conflict?
6. What growth driver should serve as a strategic focus for CUTCO? Why?
7. What activity by Vector Marketing is being evaluated for channel modification? What decisions need to be
considered, and do you think Vector Marketing should continue or discontinue the activity?

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