CAUTION: You may do a MINIMUM of research if you need to, but any research MUST be documented/cited per Chapters 48 & 49 in the text or you can receive a plagiarism penalty.
*First, analyze WHY something happens or happened (known as the Event)
*Then, state the Event and the impact of the event (this becomes your assertion Thesis Statement)
*Finally develop an EM using EITHER 3 causes OR 3 effects, but not both.
Body paragraphs:
The body paragraphs for a causal analysis essay have no special internal organization like
those in a comparison/contrast essay. In fact, they are organized much like the body
paragraphs in an essay that just focuses on using examples. Still, you should apply these
**Do not discuss the event itself in the body paragraphs; discuss only the causes (or effects) of the event.
**Discuss only one cause (or effect) in each body paragraph.
**Decide whether your causes (or effects) are independent of each other or are
related in a chain of events.
*If they are independent, use the same logic you would employ to determine
body paragraph order in any essay. Decide which cause or effect to
discuss first, second, third, and so on according to the impact you wish to
have upon your reader.
*If your causes or effects are related in a chain of events, each body
paragraph would have to follow the one before it in the appropriate order.
You would have to link your body paragraphs with transitions that would
make clear the cause/effect relationship.
What if you NEED to talk about the “other” side?
Some writers “need” to mention both causes and effects. If this is you, follow this
**If your body paragraphs discuss the EFFECTS of your event, then summarize the
**If your body paragraphs discuss the CAUSES of your event, then summarize the
most important EFFECTS in your CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH.
Cause and Effect
Remember, you may write on EITHER 3 causes OR 3 effects, but not both.
Typical questions:
“What are the causes of X?”
“What led to X?”
“Why did X occur?”
“Why does X happen?”
“What would be the effects of X?”
Cause and effect involves tracing probable or known effects of a certain cause or examining one or more effects OR discussing the reasonable or known cause(s).
Q: “Define recession and discuss the probable effects a recession would have on today’s society.”
A: Thesis: A recession, which is a nationwide lull in business activity, would be detrimental to society. 3-part EM: it would …….A……., it would …….B……., and it would …….C……. .
The rest of the answer would explain, in some detail, the three effects: A, B, and C.
Useful transition words:
for this reason
as a result
Cause and Effect Topics
Choose ONE of the following essays/articles from The Blair Reader for the topic for your own Causal Analysis essay. Each of these essays features a wonderful and fertile subject for Cause/effect. Do NOT summarize the article, nor agree or disagree with it; just determine the TS of the article and develop your own TS/EM/outline for causal analysis of that particular subject.
For example, Kozol’s article titled, “The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society” leads easily to 3 causes or 3 effects of illiteracy.
Linda Pastan, “Ethics” pages 452-53..
John F. Kennedy, “Inaugural Address” pages 510-513.
Jonathan Kozol, “The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society” pages 159-167.
Melanie Scheller, “On the Meaning of Plumbing and Poverty” pages 319-323.
Brent Staples, “Just Walk On By” pages 356-360

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