develop a PowerPoint presentation through the use and interpretation of primary sources, the use of research from the textbook and the readings covering the Progressive Era and World War I. The PowerPoint should examine the major happenings of the two Eras and the impact that these Eras had on future events in the United States. Students may use online sources but the online sources should be scholarly and authoritative.
Assignment Requirements
Presentation must be historically accurate.
Students must demonstrate the ability to interpret and effectively cite primary sources. Students will use at least two primary sources –one relating to each period of history.
Presentation must cover major areas of impact of the Progressive Era and World War I.
All presentations must begin with a title slide.
All slides must have a title
Presentation must present information in a clear and organized manner.
All pictures, graphs, and information outside the textbook must be properly cited.
All presentations must have a citation slide that cites information according to Chicago Style format. The two primary sources and the textbook should be cited here. Any online sources should be cited here as well. Click here to use a citation machine that will assist you in citing your sources.
Avoid grammatical errors
Assignment Rubric
Performance Indicators
Does not meet expectations
Achieves expectations
Exceeds expectations
Develop and Support
Visual aid has no clear purpose; lacks clarity of ideas, fails to use/cite sources correctly (if applicable.) Shows little or no evidence of relevance to the assignment, or show minimal relevance with major lapses.
Establishes a purpose, develops ideas, but may miss opportunities for further development; uses/cites sources (if applicable), but may have minor errors. Show evidence of relevance to the assignment but with minor lapses.
Established a clear and thoughtful purpose; includes accurate and relevant detail with good contrast; as well as correct use/citation of sources (if applicable.) All elements are relevant and comply with the assignment.
Express ideas
Uses a visual that is distracting or is unrelated to the presentation; inaccuracies evident; not legible; lacks clarity.
Uses a visual that clarifies some or most of the presentation; no major inaccuracies; legible and mostly clear.
Uses a visual that enhances the presentation; accurate, legible and very clear.
Effective Use of Grammar
Numerous grammatical errors, lack of thought in sentence structure, general lack of clarity in elaborating the key points of the period. Grammar is above average—some ERRORS such as a misspelled word, comma splice, and or poorly worded explanation of a key point. Grammar enhances visual, no noticeable errors that take away from the effectiveness of the presentation.
Effectively Uses and Interprets Primary Sources
Fails to use primary sources in the presentation.
Uses primary sources and attempts to interpret primary sources; interpretation lacks clarity
Clearly uses primary sources with thoughtful and meaningful interpretation of the primary sources under study.
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Development and Support of Presentation
Development and Support of Presentation
Criteria Ratings Pts
DESCRIPTIONof criterion
Establishes a clear and thoughtful purpose; includes accurate and relevant detail with good contrast; as well as correct use/citation of sources (if APPLICABLE.) All elements are relevant and comply with the ASSIGNMENT.
45 pts
Establishes a purpose, develops ideas, but may miss opportunities for further development; uses/cites sources (if applicable), but may have minor errors. Shows evidence of relevance to the assignment but with minor lapses.
22.5 pts
45 pts
Expression of Ideas and Content
Uses a visual that ENHANCES the presentation; accurate, legible and very clear.
60 pts
Uses a visual that clarifies some or most of the presentation; no major inaccuracies; legible and mostly clear.
30 pts
60 pts
Effective Use of Grammar
Grammar enhances visual, no noticeable errors that take away from the effectiveness of the presentation.
22.5 pts
Grammar is above average—some ERRORS such as a misspelled word, comma splice, and or poorly worded explanation of a key point.
11.25 pts
22.5 pts
Effectively Uses and Interprets Primary Sources
Clearly uses primary sources with thoughtful and meaningful interpretation of the primary sources under STUDY.
22.5 pts
Uses primary sources and attempts to interpret primary sources; interpretation lacks clarity
11.25 pts
22.5 pts
Total Points: 150
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