Evaluating Websites

The aim of this paper is to evaluate sonicelectronix.com. This paper uses clarity, responsibility and accessibility as the main criteria and which forms the basis of my evaluation of the site, also, props my assessment of the site.

Thesis statement: sonicelectronix.com assessment using clarity, responsibility and accessibility as main criteria
The sonicelectronix.com site was launched on September 15, 2000. Its servers are located in Valencia, Texas in the United States. The site is owned by Sonic Electronix. Ranking by Alexa shows that it gets over 102, 500 page views per day. As an on-line electronics store, it offers a wide range of electronics products inclusive of TV products, home appliances, car audio products, video products, computer, music production products, electronics accessories, cameras and shipment of electronics products among others.
The information is clearly presented. The images of the featured items are not jumbled together, rather, each image is featured on an adequate space on its own. The images are separated from the other images. The text is short and precise and is neat. The description of the featured image uses minimal words; its model and features of the item follow. Then, there is a clear description of the price of the item and free shipment. Lastly, is a sign directing the shopper where to click if the item of interest. There are graphics which distract and they don’t add content because it is the same features that are circulating and are also featured below the same page. They distract because the user can navigate his or her way through the featured items to where the desired item is using the “shop by brand” or the “search.” However, though, the advertisements don’t interfere with my ability to the see the page as the ads are exclusively put in on location.
To avoid the featured items in the site’s page being jumbled together or crowded, only minimal description of the item is given. However, when the user clicks on the featured image, the site provides a whole-paged description of the product, and terms and conditions of the site. Thus, the site’s pages are well organized. There are no spelling mistakes, however, there is incorrect sentence construction (Electronix). An example of the site’s mistake in word usage is where it describes the Smooth Rich Sony Sound of Sony CDX-GT660UP as, “Ensure every song type plays…” instead of, “Ensure every type of song plays…”.
The authors are up-front about their purpose and content. The description of the features of the featured items is straight-forward, they don’t beat around the bush. Then to emphasize on the description, or to provide information to users who have no time to go through the full-page description, there is a provision of the product summary. The site provides ways through which it can be contacted. One, it gives its address and location of both the headquarters and the warehouse. The second way; it gives contact information page whereby it provides emails, telephone for sales, support and commenting contact. The sonicelectronix.com site does not give credit for the information used. This is reflected by its clear statement on this whereby it says that Sonic Electronix is not liable for both typographical and illustrative errors. The site does gives a reference list. It gives this in form of useful links whereby it provides Blog, Knowledge Base, Forums, Speaker Fit Guide, Discontinued Products, Newsletter, Product Videos, Shop by Brand, and Site Map. These references can be accessed by clicking the link.
Despite the fact that it registers its users and gives them accounts, those who don’t have accounts or don’t want to open accounts can still have access to the site. Thus, the site is easy to get in. According to the Alexa Traffic Stats, the average load time for sonicelectronix.com is 0.688 seconds. With that loading speed, its loading is very fast considering that some sites have loading time that is 85% slower than that. One can move around the site easily as there is adequate information to guide you. All products can be accessed through various ways. There is the term search, there is a place the user can scroll to the product interested in, in the shop by brand segment. Also, various products that are in the same category are compressed together. These all features allows one to navigate easily through the site. The site is still there the next time making it a permanent site. Unfortunately, there isn’t a text-only alternative for the visually-impaired.
In conclusion, the crystal-clear clarity of the sonicelectronix.com, the appropriately compressed featured items and the fast loading time are a sure way to enhance quick and fast access to the site, and navigation on the site. However, when the site was launched, it had no thoughts of the visually-impaired. It seems that until the time when a module that will generate a text-only view the visually-impaired is created, the visually-impaired will have to bear with sonicelectronix.com site. For the time being, the visually-impaired will have to grin and bear it.

Work Cited
Electronix, Sonic. Sonicelectronix. March 31, 2012. Accessed http://www.sonicelectronix.com/

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