Select two firms in the same industry:
Automobile Mitsubishi, VW, Tata, Ford, Honda, Toyota, Fiat.
Computers Acer, IBM, Toshiba, HP, LG, Hitachi, Siemens.
Banking Citi Bank, Deutsche Bank, Emirates NBD, Mizuho Bank, HSBC,CBD,
Oil and gas BP, PetroChina, Gazprom, Royal Dutch Shell, Aramco, National Iranian Oil Co., ENOC.
Consumer electronics: National-Panasonic, Sony-Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung.
Aviation: BA, Lufthansa, Southwest Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai, Iberia, SAS
Biotechnology Aventis, BASF, Dow Chemicals, Dupont, Monsanto, Syngenta
Food Dole, Kraft, Nestle, Unilever
Hotel Hayat, Hilton, Ritz-Carlton, Intercontinental, Sheraton
Aircraft Airbus, BAE, Boeing
Steel Arceror Mital, Tata. NUCOR, POSCO, Nippon steel.
1 Do an analysis of the value chain of the two firms selected. Generate a table with the strengths and weaknesses of the two firms About 1500 words.
2 Evaluate the strategies (business-corporate-global), as well as leadership, and corporate governance of the two firms. About 2500 words.
3 Given today’s rapidly changing environment and taking into consideration your analysis and evaluation in points 1 and 2 above, what would you suggest that the two firms may do differently? (For instance, pursue a different strategy, do acquisitions, restructure, strengthen its corporate governance, have the CEO and top managers adopt a different leadership style, drop some products/markets, etc.)

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