Discuss the process and systems of the National bank of Kuwait

it is a project deliverable for Business process and systems in Management Information System major.

Fix the first report i will be providing and add to it the extra information i will be providing below. The process or system that we have agreed with the tutor is the phone application for the bank. i will also try to provide his notes on our first report in-case they are needed.

tutor notes on our first report :
1- we did not provide in-text reference.
2- in the introduction didn’t specify what we were going to do in the project which was needed.
3- Recommend three database systems that could be computerized.

Those were the comments for our first deliverable. The information below are for what is required to do in the second deliverable of this project:

1-Detailed investigation the process or system identified in deliverable 1. The choice of process or system has to be agreed with the tutor beforehand.

2-Demonstration of variety of requirement collection techniques.

3-Outlining the users of the system and their roles.

4-Identification of tasks, processes, inputs, outputs, software, and hardware requirements of the proposed system.

5-Model the current system using DFD.

All five points listed above are presented. The corrections of deliverable 1 meet the comments and suggestions put forward by the tutor on turnitin. The re-introduction of the proposed system to be investigated further should review the importance of this system and the impact it can have on the business. Students should show that they used more than one requirement collection technique to understand the tasks and processes the new system should be able to do. The report should also outline the people who will be using the system, their role in the process of developing the system as well as their role in using the system. Finally, the biggest part of this report is to outline detailed tasks, processes, what data input, what possible feedback or reports the system will generate, as well as any special software or hardware the new proposed system will need. 0.5% will go for points 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1% will go for task 5 and 2% will go for task 6.

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