The article “Diana Eck on Religious Pluralism,”
And the article “Various Religious Scholars on Pluralism in America”
View: “Globalization and the Rise of Religion”
Then answer:
A) Discuss the interviews with sociologist Peter Berger and professor of Business Administration Rosabeth Moss Kanter in “Globalization and the Rise of Religion.”
D) What sorts of labor standards were demanded by individuals and organizations such as James Cardinal Gibbons, Walter Rauschenbusch, The Federal Council of Churches, and the Central Conference of American Rabbis? The text points out that many of these standards were regarded as “radical at the time…but are commonplace now.” Some American religious organizations and individuals argue that such standards and demands remain both radical and dangerous to American religion and life in general; others maintain that such historically-demanded standards are still urgently in need of being implemented and continued—that even now they are often far from being “commonplace,” widespread, or secure. How do you assess the current situation compared to that of the period described in the text? Has American religion embraced and achieved the goals of the social gospel?
G) Describe and discuss the shift of American religious interest from a focus on foreign missions to “the mission at home.” What were some of the causes, features, and results of this shift in focus?
H) What religious approach did Dorothy Day and her Catholic Worker movement take toward American social problems? The Catholic Worker movement is still very active across the U.S. today. Are the problems it was founded to address the same now? mostly a thing of the past? or larger than ever?
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