Two essay questions (3-4 pages per essay question), as well as two short answer questions (Total 6-8 pages). Using the readings (must quote/refer to readings), which will be provided by me. SELECT ONE: Although Rawls and Friedman share a common view of human nature, they disagree strongly about the meaning of justice. OR Discuss the critique of free market theory offered by “Nudge” theorists like Thaler and Sunstien.
SELECT ONE: Discuss the role and importance of “social capital” in conservative theory. OR Discuss two policy areas of concern to conservatives that are shaped by their critique of value relativism.
SELECT TWO: Why is national defense spending justified as a “public good”? OR How has the ‘agency costs’ argument been use to justify ‘privatization’ as a delivery mechanism for social services. OR How does the Kaldor-Hicks standard of efficiency differ from the Pareto standard. Which is most relevant to policy analysis and why?

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