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Social Determinants Of Health Paper 25%
Explore course readings, scientific journal articles and other scholarly literature for facts about social determinants of health and health care in the U.S ( The task in this assignment is to discuss various social determinants of health and how advance practice nurses can be instrumental in improving health outcomes by affected populations. In a written analysis, answer the following questions:
In what ways are various economic, cultural, social, and political factors influential in determining how individuals’ health are affected?
How does health policy and the policy process impact vulnerable populations and health outcomes?
What role can advance practice nurses play in improving health outcomes in vulnerable populations?
The following will be key considerations in grading: (a) completeness of information, (b) concise style, (c) clarity of explanations, (d) critical thinking, and (e) use of the scientific literature in supporting discussion and conclusions. This written paper should be between 6 and 8 double spaced pages, excluding title page, abstract, and references. Do not exceed 8 pages. APA format is expected.

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