Within the urban space there has been a large growth of share economy businesses like Uber and Go Get. This has led to new opportunities for a range of stakeholders (developers, residents, customers etc.) and also new challenges for regulatory authorities (councils, environment planners and state government). In an urban environment, this new share economy presents new challenges and complexities. Identify the relevant stakeholders associated with share economy businesses operating in urban areas. Discuss how sustainable development in urban areas presents a wicked problem for share economy businesses.
a. justify the statements you are making by referring to sources of information you have independently researched;
b. provide examples to support your points;
c. refer to at least ten sources from valid and reputable published literature (n.b. this does not just have to be academic literature);
d. present your references using the Harvard system of referencing;
e. limit your response to 1000 words – not including references (give or take 10%). The ability to present your point of view within a prescribed number of words is an important skill which will be assessed in this task; and,
f. edit your work prior to submitting it to ensure it is written with accurate grammatical structure, spelling and punctuation.

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