A. Identifying Data
1. Include your name
2. Identify family composition (complete family composition form)
3. Discuss cultural/ethnic/religious background
4. Identify social class status
5. Discuss family’s recreational or leisure time activities
B. Developmental and Environmental Data
1. Identify family’s present developmental stage
2. Describe the extent of developmental tasks fulfillment
3. Discuss nuclear family’s history
4. Discuss history of family of origin of both parents
5. Describe characteristics of the home
6. Identify family support network
C. Family Structure and Family Functions
1. Describe communication patterns in the family: to include; familial and external variables affecting communication, characteristics of communication in family; decision- making process.
2. Discuss the role structure to include; formal and informal roles, decision making process, variables affecting role structure.
3. Describe the family values: to include; important family values and their importance (priority) in family, variables influencing family values, presence of value conflict(s) in family, effect of values and value conflicts on health status of family.
4. Discuss family child rearing Practices to include; value of children in family, cultural beliefs that influence child rearing patterns, social class influence on child rearing, roles parents play in child rearing practices.
5. Discuss the affective function of the family to include; demonstration of closeness, nurturance, and need –response pattern
6. Discuss family coping, and adaptation styles: to include; family stressors, strengths, and perceptions, family coping strategies, family adaptation.
D. Health Care Function: to include;
1. Discuss family health care beliefs, values, and behaviors
2. Identify family’s definition of health-illness and their level of knowledge regarding this
3. Identify family’s perceived health status and illness
4. Discuss family’s health history
5. Describe family’s feelings and perceptions of health care services
E. Reflection
1. Reflect on your experience with the family assessment and what you have learned about your family.
2. Discuss how it has influenced you own personal definition of “family”.
3. Discuss the effect this experience has had on your own personal attitudes about family.
4. Discuss how this experience will influence how you work with families that may differ from yours.
F. Scholarly Writing
1. The conclusion summarizes the importance of completing a family assessment when interacting and applying the nursing process with families.
2. Paper is well written organized, and within the page limitation (6-8 pages).
3. Grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct.
4. Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations, and reference page.

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