BACKGROUND: You’ve likely seen or heard the term net neutrality but did not understand what it meant. Put simply, it is a battle between Internet providers such as AT&T and Comcast and the federal government (under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to determine how the Internet (World Wide Web if you prefer) should operate.
On Feb. 26, the FCC voted 3-2 to impose new regulations on Internet service providers (the same types of rules telephone and broadcast companies operate under) to prevent them from intentionally blocking or slowing the flow of information on the Internet. The FCC has decided the Internet is an essential resource that everyone should have equal access to without restriction.
But AT&T and other companies have challenged this decision, saying the FCC rules violate the First Amendment rights of Internet service providers to freely operate their businesses without interference or regulation from the federal government.
Should it be OK (legal) for Internet providers to offer faster access to some data/information/websites while slowing access to other data/information/websites? Or is the federal government required Internet providers to offer equal access to all data/information/websites?
-This is just your opinion, but it should be clearly stated and supported with factual information and examples of what you are talking about.
-You MUST have a thesis statement at the top of your essay, or underlined/highlighted elsewhere.
-Check your spelling and grammar carefully.
-The essay should be as long as necessary for you to fully answer the
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