Develop critical analysis and research skills toward building a knowledge base in business and management

Multinational managers often retain sole control of private, unobservable information. Such information can allow managers to bias planning decisions in their favor, and in some cases, to manipulate accounting-based performance measurements. Even if managers clearly understand their authorities and responsibilities, and are fully capable of performing them, it is unreasonable to expect them to perform them in the absence of proper incentives, monetary and otherwise.

Therefore, it is wise for a firm to exercise care in structuring incentive contracts in such a way that its multinational managers act in the overall best interest of the organization. The most optimal incentive contracts will empower employees to perform in ways desired by the organization.

Analyze cross-border factors that impact multinational incentive contract design

Apply methods for adapting managerial accounting systems to account for cross-border differences in management incentive contracts

Develop critical analysis and research skills toward building a knowledge base in business and management

Write a 12 page paper that addresses relevant theories and empirical research, leading to a significant research topic, problem, and research question(s). Approach your topic by providing an academic argument that would support a deeper understanding of the relationship between transaction cost and principal-agent theory and optimal managerial accounting systems design in a multinational enterprise setting. You do not have to actually design a study to the point of specifying research measures of effective managerial accounting practices in a multinational setting or specify samples, but try to evolve your thinking to the point of framing a relevant research topic, problem, and question(s) on which your proposed research would be focused.

This question should be complete enough to suggest the development of an important theory, address a gap in a current model, or demonstrate an immediate application for solving common organizational problems. Rather than attempting to include as many references as possible, try to emphasize the logical coherence of your evidence of conceptual foundations. Build an academic argument for why your research problem and question(s) are important. An obvious extension of your paper would be to use it as a springboard for a doctoral proposal. Your paper could also be useful for potential use in the development of Chapter 2 of your Proposal and Doctoral Study Completion.

Your Final Paper should adhere to APA format (6th edition), which requires a title page, a reference list, and appropriate sections and their headings; and include the following elements:

A thorough review of the literature (minimum of 20 resources, with 85% being five or less years old and peer reviewed) that shows evidence of a potential research opportunity/gap that has not been discussed in the academic literature.

A draft problem statement. Include the four parts of the draft problem statement of the Doctoral Study rubric located in the Walden University Research Center. (Refer to:

The four parts of the problem statement are:

Hook (with a peer reviewed citation that is five or less years old)

Anchor (includes a number supported with a peer reviewed citation that is five or less years old)

The general business problem

The specific business problem to be researched

At least one broad research question that is demonstrably linked to your problem statement.

You do not need to address any hypotheses or design considerations.

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