Describe the structures of health and social care within the British welfare state, including the roles of different sectors, agencies and professions and the distinction between health and social care.

— TITLE: Health and Social Care within the British Welfare State.
— 2,000 words essay (10% tolerance either way).
Outcomes being assessed
1. Describe the structures of health and social care within the British welfare state, including the roles of different sectors, agencies and professions and the distinction between health and social care.
2. Analyse the relationship between health and social care and its wider historical, ideological and social context.
3. Compare structures and contexts of health and social care in Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Assessment criteria & guidance
— The assessment criteria mirror the learning outcomes.
— Therefore there are 3 criteria, all of equal weight,
— Remember also to keep the essay title in mind ie
— Health and Social Care within the British Welfare State.
Criterion 1 and guidance
— Describe the structures of health and social care within the British welfare state, including the roles of different sectors, agencies and professions and the distinction between health and social care
— 1/3 of essay mark. Suggest roughly 600 words
— In describing the structures your starting point should be making the distinction between health care and social care and how this is reflected in structures eg health/central government, social care/local government.
Criterion 2 and guidance
— Analyse the relationship between health and social care and its wider historical, ideological and social context
— 1/3 of essay mark. Suggest roughly 600 words. Relevant questions include:
— How have we arrived at these structures – consider the history?
— Why are there differences between health and social care? What effect do these differences have, both on professionals and service users and patients?
— What are the implications for funding?
— How does it affect services being able to work together?
Criterion 3 and guidance
— Compare structures and contexts of health and social care in two of the nations of the United Kingdom
— 1/3 of essay mark. Suggest roughly 600 words.
— Briefly describe the structures and contexts of health and social care in two of the nations of the UK and outline the differences and similarities between them,
— eg, between England and Wales healthcare and social provision is underpinned by different ideals and this has practical manifestation such as re free prescriptions and cancer drug availability.
— What is the effect on professionals and service users and patients in each nation?
Structure of essay
— As long as the marking criteria are covered it does not matter how you choose to structure your essay,
— ie, it does not have to be consideration of:
— criterion 1 first,
— criterion 2 second, and
— criterion 3 third,
— Although, of course, it can be done this way.
— Do it in a way which best suits you to address the assessment criteria.
— NB Don’t forget to include suitable introductory and concluding paragraphs.
Structure of essay (2)
— There is nothing, eg, to prevent you from considering all 3 at the same time:
— You may be describing the structures of health and social care within, say, England and Wales (criterion 1)
— while at the time same time comparing and contrasting them (criterion 2), and also
— analysing the relationship between health and social care provision in England and Wales (criterion 3).
— There is also possibly logic in considering criteria 1 and 2 together re description plus analysis.
— So before submission look at your essay in its totality and ask yourself :
— ‘Have I substantively addressed the criteria?’
— Look to include at least 8/10 references.
— Ensure you support what you say by appropriate referenced sources.
— Ensure all your in-text references appear in your reference list….and vice versa!

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