Describe the most common types of software programmes and explain how they may be used to enhance management functions.

Format: Report
Presentation: No
Any special requirements: Students should use the report structure outlined on Page 3.
Word Limit: 1500 words (with 10% plus or minus leeway)
Deadline date for submission:
Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment • Collect, analyse, present and comment upon business data.
• Identify the relationship between computer hardware and software.
• Describe the most common types of software programmes and explain how they may be used to enhance management functions.
Percentage of marks awarded for module: This assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for the moduleAssignment Task A – 1500 word essay
“Once composed solely of mechanical and electrical parts, products have become complex systems that combine hardware, sensors, data storage, microprocessors, software, and connectivity in myriad ways” (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014).
Select ONE
Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section
Content, style, relevance and originality • Concepts are expressed in suitably technical language, with accuracy, and terminology is relevant to the topic.
• Case studies are relevant to the topic.
• Work is original and demonstrably student’s own ideas 40%
Constructive critical analysis • Demonstrates the ability to critically analyse and/or evaluate the concept of a computing product or service.
• Provides alternative views.
• Demonstrates that you have consulted widely – using appropriate sources and examples to substantiate your arguments.
• Application of relevant academic models should be evident but not necessarily explicit. 45%
Overall structure • Coherent structure, presented in a report format, utilising styled headings as appropriate; should include a cover page and clear table of content. 3%
Introduction and conclusion • Clear triangulation of introduction, discussions and conclusion.
• Introduces issue(s) for further exploration. 7%
Referencing style • Full in-text referencing using the Harvard citation style.
• Structured reference list or bibliography using the Harvard referencing method. 5%

Complete EITHER Task A or Task B
example of a computing product or service. Analyse the ways in which the product or service can be seen as an example of the “complex system” that Porter & Heppelmann discusses.
Your analysis should discuss the software and hardware components of the system and discuss how that technological system relates to the social and business systems in which it is designed to work, e.g. business, health.
Assignment Task B – 1500 word report
Tetrax Ltd. is considering moving their business data storage from an internal server to an external cloud-based solution. Prepare a business report, analysing the key benefits and risks of this proposition.
Your analysis should, at a minimum, consider the proposed change from the perspectives of hardware, software, employees, data and the larger competitive environment in which a business operates. Use Harvard referenced case studies to illustrate your arguments.

Students should conform to the conventions of the assessment criteria outlined below, which have been stated to guide students in the preparation of their work. Achievement of the learning outcomes outlined above should be demonstrated.

Total marks for assignment: 100

Works Cited
Porter, M. E. & Heppelmann, J. E., 2014. How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 01 2014].

use the following structure for your report

Cover Page
Assignment title, module code, full name and student number, as well as submission date.

Table of Contents
A list all the chapters, sections, headings and sub-headings. Appendices and Figures should be provided as well as all page numbers as clearly as possible.

This should show that you have understood the brief and that you will cover everything required.

Findings and Analysis
This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary depending on the material being presented. Headings and sub-headings should be used to clearly indicate the different sections. The following headings may help to add structure: situation; problem; solution; evaluation. It is not sufficient simply to describe a situation. Analysis and a critical approach are essential. Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although it may be better to include the more complex ones as an appendix.

These draw out the implications of your findings. Deductions are based on the facts described in the findings and analysis. Remember not to include any new material here.

All the named sources you have quoted from or reproduced in your report. Please use The Harvard System for all references. Details for the Harvard System can be found on the student portal.

It contains all reading you have conducted in preparation for writing the report but have not used in reference. It allows the reader to assess whether the background reading undertaken was balanced and a variety of courses utilised.

Appendices (optional)
Detailed documentation of points made in the findings. Examples include: technical data, questionnaires, letters sent, tables, charts or leaflets. An appendix contains supplementary information that you consider to be too long, complicated or not quite relevant to include in the main section of the report, but is still relevant to your reader. Each appendix should be referred to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the report.

Marking Criteria

Indicative Grade UK% marks Characteristics.
Distinction 70%+ Very high standard of critical analysis using appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Excellent understanding and exposition of relevant issues.
Clearly structured and logically developed arguments.
Good awareness of nuances and complexities.
Substantial evidence of well-executed independent research.
Excellent evaluation and synthesis of source material.
Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced.
Merit 69-60% High standard of critical analysis using appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Clear awareness and exposition of relevant issues.
Clearly structured and logically developed argument.
Awareness of nuances and complexities.
Evidence of independent research.
Good evaluation and synthesis of source material.
Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced.
Pass 59-50% Uses appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Attempts analysis but includes some errors and /or omissions.
Shows awareness of issues but no more than to be expected from attendance at classes.
Arguments reasonably clear but underdeveloped.
Insufficient evidence of independent research.
Insufficient evaluation of source material.
Some good use of relevant data and examples but incompletely referenced.
Pass 49-40% Adequate understanding of appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Answer too descriptive and or any attempt at analysis is superficial containing errors and omission.
Shows limited awareness of issues but also some confusion.
Arguments not particularly clear.
Limited evidence of independent research and reliance on a superficial repeat of class notes.
Relatively superficial use of relevant data sources and examples and poorly referenced.
E 39-30% Weak understanding of appropriate conceptual frameworks. Weak analysis and several errors and omissions.
Establishes a few relevant points but superficial and confused exposition of issues.
No evidence of independent research and poor understanding of class notes or no use of relevant data, sources and examples and no references.

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