1. Introductions 750- 1000 ( 3 references) 2. Literature review of your area of emphasis 1,000-1250 words (9 references) 3. Critical Analysis of your internship ( references as needed) No contractions, In 3300-4000 words (10-12 pages), students are asked to demonstrate the development, enhancement, and application of core Human Relations competencies and principles. This total includes text only, and does not include the cover page and reference page. All essays should be double-spaced. Students using typewriters should use standard pica or elite type. Students using computers should use 12-point size font. The following two typefaces are accepted: Times New Roman and Courier New. Margins on all four sides (top, bottom, left and right) should be one inch. Students should use printers that produce type that is dark, clear, and readable. ELEMENTS OF THE INTERNSHIP APPLICATION PAPER\nSECTION I: INTRODUCTION (Approximately 750 – 1,000 words, at least 3 references*)\n1. As a field, Human Relations can be broadly defined and has multiple applications. Based upon the work that you have completed as a graduate student in Human Relations, provide your understanding of the definition of Human Relations. Provide a definition and a brief historical overview of the field. Please draw upon the material that you covered in your courses to date in order to respond to this question.\n2. Why is there a need for Human Relations in the 21st century? \n3. Use scholarly sources to supplement your responses to these questions.\n\nSECTION II: LITERATURE REVIEW OF AREA OF EMPHASIS (Approximately 1,000 – 1,250 words, at least 9 references*)\n1. The Department of Human Relations at the University of Oklahoma focuses on three areas of study: organizations, counseling, and social change. Discuss the specific area(s) of Human Relations in which you completed the majority of your coursework as foundation for the following section. Refer to the specific courses and course materials that you have read as well as other scholarly sources. This review should inform and frame your discussion of your internship experience. When completing your literature review, be sure to integrate information from the various sources you are drawing on into your discussion. For example, rather than listing the individual courses you have enrolled in and discussing what you have learned, weave a discussion of the material you covered in class (with appropriate citations) into your discussion.\nSECTION III: APPLICATION AND CRITICAL ANALYSIS (Approximately 1,550 – 1,750 words, references as needed*)\n\n1. Describe your internship setting. This includes an overview of the purpose of the organization (e.g., is the organization attempting to address a social issue or does the organization provide some form of service).\n2. What was your role? What projects did you work on? Summarize your participation.\n3. Did the organization serve its purpose? Provide a critical analysis of the overall management of the agency or organization and/or the effectiveness of the organization in meeting its mission and/or stated goals. Use scholarly references to inform this discussion. Apply theory and research from scholarly resources as well as your course material, course discussions, and activities as appropriate. \n4. Identify the needs of the agency, organization or community and make recommendations for improvements. \n5. Provide a critical analysis of your learning as a result of your internship and your degree program. How will it inform your professional life (this can be paid or non-paid work)? If you do not work, how will it inform how you conduct your life (this can include family, community, etc.)? \n6. While this section should include your personal reflections, it should also draw upon relevant scholarly literature. You should reference scholarly works that support your analyses of your experience. You may use references to illustrate the validity of the way in which your organization functions as well as to critique the organization and to point areas in which they are in need of improvement.\nEVALUATION CRITERIA FOR THE INTERNSHIP APPLICATION PAPER\nSECTION I: INTRODUCTION \n1. Provide a brief history and overview of the field of Human Relations. This should be informed by literature and coursework in Human Relations and should include the student’s understanding of the definition of the field.\n2. The review of the literature is integrated into a larger discussion of the field of human relations.\n3. Provides a sound reason why is there a need for Human Relations.\n4. Concludes with a brief summary of the focus of the paper that clearly states its objectives and goals.\n\nSECTION II: LITERATURE REVIEW \n1. Focuses on their major area of emphasis.\n2. The literature selected is relevant to the focus of the paper and frames the discussion of the internship.\nEvaluation:\nj) Does the review contain a minimum of at least 9 scholarly references?\nk) Does the content of the literature review follow a consistent, systematic process in presenting information for comparison purposes?\nl) Does the integration of the literature provide a sound basis for the remainder of the paper?\nm) Is the literature cited (weather from coursework or from a larger review of the literature) integrated into the paper, rather than being presented in a list format?\nSECTION III: APPLICATION AND CRITICAL ANALYSIS \n\n7. The student describes the organization/agency(s) in which they served during their Internship.\n8. The student describes the goals and/or mission of the organization with which they interned, including an overview of the organization’s role and work. \n9. The student provides a critical overview of the overall management of the organization and the degree to which the organization meets its stated goals. Theory and research from scholarly resources as well as course material, course discussions, and activities are used, as appropriate, to inform this discussion\n10. The student identifies the needs of the organization and makes effective recommendations for improvements. \n11. The student provides a critical analysis of their internship experience, including a focus on the ways in which this fits with their future goals. This section should be informed by scholarship. \nAPA STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS:\n\n1. Paper Layout – Double-spaced, 1” margins, and paginated. \n2. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation represent graduate level work.\n\nReferences: \n1. Appropriately cited in the body of the paper.\n2. Authors or other sources cited in the text are on the list of References.\n3. Every author or citation on the Reference list has been cited in the text of the paper. \n4. References follow American Psychological Association (APA) citation format.\n5. There are at least 12 references of which at least 9 have to be from scholarly journal, chapter, and/or books. \n

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