Briefly describe the social problem within the United States

Section One: (10 points)
Briefly describe the social problem within the United States that you have chosen to analyze and provide your personal reasons for choosing this particular topic. Be specific about what interested you about the topic and any background you may have with the subject. Why do you want to know more about the topic?

Section Two: (70 points)
The first paragraph of section two needs to include a statement of your social problem, documentation of the significance of your social problem, and a preview of which sociological concepts you intend to examine.

You are to identify no more than 2 social factors to analyze in your paper. You will be examining the problem and analyzing the factors that contribute to the problem in a sociological manner. You will not be examining the outcomes/consequences of the problem. The focus of the paper is to be on how society contributes to the problem. You need to clearly identify the sociological factors and use class terminology in your paper. You are not to be using any first person references in this section.
You will need to use at least 1 peer-reviewed resource and 1 other resource (other than those provided in class) to substantiate your paper. Your sources may not date prior to 2005. You may use any other sources to supplement. You will complete a reference section at the end of your paper.
Section Three: (10 points)
Briefly summarize the main points of the paper. Provide any thoughts you have about solutions to the problem. Discuss your personal reaction to writing this paper. What did you learn about research, statistics, society, etc? How can you use what you learned in a practical way?
Execution: (10 points)
The following guidelines must be met for your paper:
1. Cover sheet with the following information in the bottom right-hand corner of the paper: your name, course name, class day, class time and submission date.
2. Papers must be typed or computer generated on clean, white 8.5 X 11 paper.
3. Use only one side of the paper.
4. Font must be no larger than 12 points and must be Times New Roman or Garamond.
5. Paper must be double-spaced.
6. Paper must have one-inch margins all around.
7. Staple pages together in the upper left-hand corner. Please DO NOT USE BINDERS OR COVERS.
8. Paper must be separated into clearly identifiable sections with headings in bold.
9. You need to include a works cited/bibliography that shows sources for information used in your paper. If you have questions on how to give credit to sources, please see me.

You will also be graded on:
1. Overall quality
2. Organization/Format
3. Grammar/Spelling
4. Coverage of topics required

All research, analysis, and writing are to be your own. Please see the syllabus for my policy on academic dishonesty.

**Important Paper Requirement**
You will be required to provide proof that I approved your topic. This approval will be in the form of a typed statement of your problem with my signature on it. You have until Thursday, October 15th to get my approval on a topic. I will not approve topics after that date. I will NOT accept a paper without a signed topic approval sheet attached to it. It is your responsibility to keep the topic approval sheet until paper submission. You may scan or take a photo of the signed approval to ensure that you have it when needed.

You need to use the American Anthropologist Association style guide for your in-text citations and bibliography page. You will find a copy of the style guide on my website. I also have copies of papers submitted by former students that are available for you to review.

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