Basic Trauma Assessment

Teaching Plan
Basic Trauma Assessment
Course: Wound care
Target audience – Nursing students
Brief description of the topic
Trauma can be defined as the physical injuries that come as a result of mechanical energy. Some petty common accidents such as blows and assaults or road crashes can result in wounds. Assessment is a bit complicated because some injuries occur internally, excessive and are not in most cases obvious instantly. A wound can be defined as the disruption of the continuity flow of cells and the effects may range greatly from hemorrhage, organ malfunction or blood clotting. Wound care is an important lesson in nursing whose aim is to restore the continuity of the disrupted cells. The case study for this course was that a 24-year-old male college student suffered a7-cm (2.5-inch) laceration on the left lower anterior leg during a hockey game. The laceration was cleaned, sutured, and bandaged. Then the client was then given an appointment to return to the health clinic after 10 days for suture removal.


Upon completion of the session, the client should be able to:
1. describe normal wound healing
2. Describe signs and symptoms of wound infection

CONTENT OUTLINE Normal wound healing Infection signs and symptoms
There is various wound care equipment but they vary greatly depending on the nature of the wound. They include bandaging material, Telfa, gauze pads, sponges and bandages, film dressing, anti-septic, adhesive tape, adhesive removers and cotton-tipped applicators. Demonstration of wound cleansing and bandaging on the client’s wound or a mannequin. Resources available for client questions include health clinic, emergency department. Follow-up treatment plan; where and when
Teaching Methods
i. Describe normal wound healing with the use of audiovisuals.
ii. Discuss the mechanism of wound infection.
iii. Use audiovisuals to demonstrate infected wound appearance.
iv. Provide handout describing signs and symptoms of wound infection.
v. Demonstrate equipment needed for cleansing and bandaging wound. Provide handout listing equipment needed.
vi. Demonstrate wound cleansing and bandaging on the client’s wound or a mannequin. Provide handout describing procedure for cleansing and bandaging wound.
vii. Discuss available resources. Provide handout listing available resources and follow-up treatment plan.
viii. Provide written instructions.
ix. Categorize the various wound care equipment that is required.
x. Identify the suitable measures if the queries or if dire straits in crop up.
xi. Point out to the specific day, time and the place of the follow-up schedule for the removal of the suture.
Long-Term Goal:
Client’s wound will heal completely without infection or other complications.
Intermediate Goal:
At clinic appointment, client’s wound will be healing without signs of infection, loss of function, or other complication. Short-Term Goals:
Student will:
(a) Correctly list three signs and symptoms of wound infection
(b) Correctly perform a return demonstration of wound cleansing and bandaging.
The student will: Respond to questions regarding care of wound. Return demonstration of wound cleansing and bandaging.
Course: Rapid Assessment and first aid

Target Audience: paramedics, police, and nurses

Brief description of the topic
Rapid Assessment can be used by team members to recognize life threatening injuries based on CPR and First Responder training. This process is an easy to follow outline used to evaluate the officers condition and provide basic medical care, if the team medic not immediately present, prior to transfer to EMS.
Trauma refers to a serious injury or shock to the body by violence or accident.
1. To enhance survivability.
2. To acquire experience on fast assessment of a situation and how to handle it.
Teaching materials:
• Pair Latex or vinyl gloves.
• Blood Stopper Dressing.
• Rolls of Kerlix gauze
• 3”x9” Petroleum gauze dressing
• Triangular bandage
• Double roll Flexwrap
• CPR Shield
• Trauma Scissors

Course content:
Elimination of the threat and/or move downed officer to safety/cover.
Cervical spine immobilization
Determining Level of Consciousness (LOC).
Breathe rate evaluation
Evaluation of pulse.
Stopping the bleeding
Determining severity-entrance and exit wounds?
Handling head trauma with possible fractures.
Handling nose bleeds (no trauma)
Handling Impaled objects
Taking care of Burns
Blunt Trauma to Chest
How to communicate using radio that has medical support elements such as EMS and FD
Performing Secondary survey
”K.I.S.S.” rule.

Student will:
(a) Correctly list all first aid procedures for all kinds of trauma patients
(b) Correctly perform secondary survey and demonstrate proficiency in rapid assessment.
The student will:
• Respond to questions regarding first aid of all types of patients such as burns, head trauma, and so on.
• Return demonstration of first aid procedures on a mannequin.
• Use radio to demonstrate communication when reporting to other medical support tools

1. Basic Trauma: Alton Defense Police Tactical Team

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