Atascocita High School Band Program
I have been a member of the Atascocita High School. The participation has influenced me in various ways. One of the ways is that it has influenced me is improving my self-esteem. There is a scientific evidence proving a high correlation between music school music and self-esteem and other high cognitive competency scores. This was found out by the Norwegian Research for Science and the Humanities. When I joined Atascocita High School as a junior, I was a loner and often, I didn’t have the nerve to participate in school activities whose outcome I couldn’t foresee such as school games. However, when I joined the school band, the experience created a positive self-image in me and motivated me to always tackle testing activities with enthusiasm. The school band had various band members assigned different tasks and the outcome of the band depended on cooperation— we had a mutual relationship. In that way, it taught me to support each other, cooperate with my colleagues in what field and unity so as to achieve the group objectives. Since some of the band activities required concentrating for long durations of time, I learned the skill of memorizing. As I pursue a degree in Criminal Justice at Prairie View A and M University, it will be helpful since the careers in that field requires the aforementioned requirements. Also, many potential employers, even government agencies, value applicants who have an experience and know the concept of teamwork.
The next influence school band had on me was on education. There are various distinct factors that a school band member [and I learned them too] need to know such as understanding the pace of the band’s music, memorizing, predicting, having a sharp memory, being attentive. These are the influences that the school band had on me; before becoming a school band member, I didn’t have these characteristics. The influences that the school band had on me will be significant in my quest for a degree in Criminal Justice as the skills learned are vital for the growth of my perceptiveness and cognition which may be handy in the careers that the degree of Criminal Justice covers.
The experience that I had with the various school band’s instrument, albeit explaining from a psychological viewpoint, improved my intelligence, imaginative and visual skills. These claims can be propped up by Dr. Frank Wilson studies (Lillemyr, 1983); Dr. Wilson, a clinical Professor at University of California opined that when one practices musical instruments, it “refines the brain as well as the entire neurological system” and improves “the total development of the brain and individual in a way that cannot be done by any other activity…leads to heightened visual and auditory learning.” Understanding the various musical notes and tones greatly improved my hearing, also, developed my my skills in both observing and aping.
There is one vital lesson that I learned from my participation in the school band: it breaks the monotony of the classroom. I joined the school band together with other classmates at the same time. Before joining the school band, some of these classmates and I, could be absent from school because of irrelevant reasons. Amazingly, when we joined the school band, the rate of those absent got to almost nil. My participation in the school band it reduced my absenteeism. My participation instilled discipline and work ethics.
Lillemyr, O.F. (1983). Achievement motivation as a factor in self-perception. Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities, p. 245-248.
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