Review references and provide a 200-words discussion on the resources provided for a Crime Profile:
Please read instructions carefully.
Follow through with word count requirements.
Cite references as per APA guidelines. These are the resources.
• U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
• U.S. Department of Labor Wages
• U.S. Department of Education
• U.S. Census Bureau
Provide 150-words answer to questions below:
Provide questions followed by the answers.
• What are other resources that you can use for reference material to make a complete project?
• Discuss which resources should be used and why.
**Analyze the criminal profile of the worst city-Memphis, Tenn. Crime index total: 10,071.
Include the following information in your analysis: Follow word count.
Title as level two. See APA guidelines. Please do not skip any requirement. Follow word count.
• 50-words: Include an Introduction.
• 200-words: Characterization of the city in terms of social and intellectual context.
• 50-words: Identity of social factors that contribute to crime.
• 50-words: Linking of events or attitudes to a description of beliefs people living there would accept for explaining criminal behavior.
• 100-words: Consideration of changes in land use, property values, transportation, and retail as one moves away from the city center. If there are changes, what distance do you estimate exist between these areas? How noticeable are the changes? Titled as level 3
• 50-words: Discussion of whether or not zones of transition apply to this city.
• 50-words: Identification of criminal hot spots.
• 50-words: Relevant data to support answers.
• 50-words: How your findings relate to the role of socioeconomic status and values in criminological theory.
• 50-words: Identification and rationale for the choice of one sociologic theory that best explains the crime in your chosen city.
• 50-words: Provide Conclusion
• Cite references
Thank you.

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